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3 projets européens trouvés

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Guidance for exchange participants : These support tools for those involved in work based exchanges will provide EU-wide support and assessment methods enabling students to make the most of their exchange periods and raising educational standards. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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In order to address on-the-job learning as a part of European student exchanges for young people, the project aims to develop both a handbook for instructors and an interactive e-learning portfolio for students.Having benchmarked individual partners practice as regards on-the-job learning during student exchanges, two products will be developed, evaluated, and distributed, namely, a handbook on ho ...
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Rural youth takes on the media : The Grassroots project targeted rural young people wishing to make a career in the media. The young people learnt the practical skills required to make films, but also developed a sense of self worth by seeing that their own lives were rich in content for documentary films. The interactive handbook provides an Internet platform for international dialogue and reflec ...
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