Rechercher des projets européens

4 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Reason for the project:An increasing proportion of school teachers in the EU are aged 50 or more. In thepartner countries (Finland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Germany and theNetherlands) the proportion of experienced teachers is high compared to in otherEuropean countries. On the other hand, novice teachers often seek other careeropportunities after a few years in teaching. This situation creates ...
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The growing recognition of the importance of lifelong learning places an increasing focus on the importance of training. The development and recognition of work based learning and e-learning offers new opportunities for the training of trainers. At the same time the adoption of the European Qualification Framework offers opportunities for the development and implementation of a common European tra ...
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The project aims at setting up and sustaining virtual communities of practice for SMEs in the tourist sector. The target groups are employers and employees of SMEs and sector organisations. These virtual communities of practice shall facilitate and support lifelong learning of employers and employees in the workplace. Virtual networks will be setup around innovations in the tourist sector (topics ...
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The growing recognition of the importance of lifelong learning places an increasing focus on the importance of training. The development and recognition of work based learning and e-learning offers new opportunities for the training of trainers. At the same time the adoption of the European Qualification Framework offers opportunities for the development and implementation of a common European tra ...
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