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2 projets européens trouvés

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Few Spin Solid-State Nano-systems (S^3NANO)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

"This network brings together an exceptionally strong group of world leading experts in nano-science and technology in order to achieve breakthroughs in understanding and successful utilisation of nanoscale systems in future devices. The focus of the consortium is on few spin nano-systems in solid-state materials including III-V semiconductors and Carbon-based structures: carbon nano-tubes, graphe ...
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EM-BEAM program is mainly dedicated to research exchanges and will establish mobility scheme for more than 80 individuals, doctorates (57%), post-docs (14%) and staff (29%). More than 60% of the individuals will be European. The program is focused, but not restricted, on the main thematic fields tackling the XXIst Century challenges like Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics, and Natural Scienc ...
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