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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

To meet growing demand for high-level professional translation, especially in candidate countries, the Master in Translation project will develop and test the first European master programme in translation, collaborating with social partners in the industry. The project further expects to serve as an example of good practice in developing a European joint degree. Alongside the creation of a traini ...
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The 3C project aims to create a skills map or profile of a 'cultural entrepreneur' which will address organisational needs and dilemmas arising from collaboration between cultural/artistic, business and educational organisations. The project will further develop a training programme for cultural entrepreneurs and a corresponding course for the training of trainers.Initial research in the partner c ...
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A joint Interreg-Tacis project where a cluster of experts is used to set up a network ofsecurity companies on both sides of the border through the opportunities offered byTacis funding. Special targeted vocational training will be arranged in order tostrengthen competence in the participating companies and help them better address thetopical needs of their customers.
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