Rechercher des projets européens

7 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

... and Cedefop who are intending to develop a common language of skills, competences and occupations: the ESCO-taxonomy. The European transparency instrument Certificate Supplements and national occupational profiles have been used to identify LO descriptions and new competence terms for the thesaurus. The project consortium consisted of experts in the field of VET and competence classifications, re ...
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Harmonising European vocational qualifications : Each EU Member State has a national system of vocational qualifications and those involved in collective bargaining in the labour field can call upon that system as a reference point or as a negotiating tool. However, for real mobility of workers within Europe a Union-wide, harmonisation of such qualifications will be essential. This project aims to ...
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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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... erfordert die steigende Eigenständigkeit von Berufsbildungsinstitutionen (Outsourcing von Ausbildungsabteilungen der Unternehmen/ erhöhte Eigenverantwortung von beruflichen Schulen) auf nationaler Ebene eine stärker werdende Nachweispflicht der Qualität der geleisteten Arbeit und der Fähigkeit, diese zu entwickeln.In den Institutionen der beruflichen Bildung werden daher nun ebenfalls vermehrt Qu ...
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The decision to carry through this project in the metal sector was above all influenced by the current development towards a decrease of manufacturing tasks in favour of knowledge-intensive and service oriented tasks and the resulting changed requirements for competency. The creation of new learning offers during initial training, changed occupational profiles and qualification profiles as well as ...
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In the VQTS II project, the VQTS model was applied to other sectors (electronics/ electrical engineering) and to other countries and languages. The VQTS II project focused on transferring and further elaborating on methods and procedures for the development of a Competence Matrix by using the ideas and principles described in the VQTS project.The VQTS model was also used for identifying the overla ...
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...schools including schools for apprenticeship training), and- Investigate the benefits of Peer Review and support the sustainable implementation of Peer Review as an element of the CQAF at national and European levels.Outcomes are 1) a version of the European Peer Review Procedure that takes into account the needs and requirements of a) continuing VET and b) the “new” countries participating; 2) in ...
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