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19 projets européens trouvés

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PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry (PROVIDE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

"The objective of the project is to provide a conceptual basis, evidence, tools and improved incentive and policy options to support the "smart" provision of public goods by the EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems, in the light of trade-offs and conflicts brought about by prospective intensification scenarios, using a transdisciplinary approach. PROVIDE will consider a wide range of public good ...
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...ect aims at building the capacity of institutions supporting innovation in the food sector and promoting public awareness on benefits of innovation, making the sectoral innovation easier through transnational cooperation of the national food technology platforms and related institutions. Although food industry has specific importance in SEE economies, the level of innovation in the region is not s ...
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...alues. In order to improve policies for better management of cultural values the common methodology will be disseminated to policy makers in a form of recommendations for concrete local, regional and national policy documents to ensure economic stability of cultural values preservation, especially through income from tourism sector. ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2014,

...SEE eco-regions, focussing in particular on wetlands (rivers, lakes, coastal shores). The exchange of knowledge and best practices within the consortium will be the basis for the definition of a Transnational Joint Strategy for the better management and improvement of Natura 2000 network, and the definition of Joint Transnational Action Plans for the conservation of species and habitats common to ...
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...reviously separate strands of activities, those under the umbrella of GMES, related to land products and services (which address water to some extent), and those conducted under FP5/6-Environment and national programs, related to EO-assisted user-driven products and services for the water and irrigation community.As such, it will draw on existing GMES Core Services as much as possible, by integrat ...
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Baltic COMPASS project has grown out of a large number of international projects in the field of landuse, agriculture, water and environment related to the protection of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, Baltic COMPASS is a response to the need for a transnational approach to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and contribute in adaption and implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSA ...
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EU.WATER, carried out in 8 rural study areas belonging to 8 SEE Countries, tackles the emergency related to water consumption and contamination in Europe, aims at spreading, at transnational level, an integrated water resource management in agriculture based on the optimization of water consumptions and cutback of groundwater pollution Through a joint strategy and its downscaling within each PPs g ...
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...ers throughout the whole project implementation. Project starts from a deep analysis highlighting innovation needs and potentials of agro-food SMEs, to be performed at local level according to a transnational methodology. Regional profiles obtained by the analysis represent the base for all further activities. The establishment of a transnational network among involved regions will allow to create ...
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"The proposed project will provide EU policy makers with information, data, quantitative instruments (economic models) and empirical expertise on cost of production for various types of agricultural products using the FADN data. More specifically, the purpose is to offer first a general cost of production model that could be used to estimate cost of production for key agricultural commodities prod ...
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Water Management Strategies against Water Scarcity in the Alps (Alp-Water-Scarce)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

The main challenges of this project are to create local Early Warning Systems against Water Scarcity in the Alps based on sound and perennial monitoring and modelling and anchored strongly and actively within a Stakeholder Forum linked across comparative and contrasting regions across the Alps. The Early Warning System is based on the linkage and improvement of field monitoring and assemblage of q ...
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"European rural areas are undergoing major changes, including the impacts of migration, changes in settlement patterns, demographic ageing, changes in the nature of rural-urban interactions, a decreasing role of agriculture in terms of income and employment, and changes in governance systems. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the main expenditure chapter of the EU and is directly affecting t ...
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The main objective of the project IMAGE is to develop a Water and Rural Development Support System (WARD¬SS). WARDSS is software that will assist institutional organisation in decision making processes on sustainable use of natural resources and rural development. The WARDSS architecture will be based on an inter-institutional/participatory approach, whose design will actively involve, at differen ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

... teaching material, improve research and to take and implement economic and social decisions in the business and civic world.In this project the efforts of two smaller networks are summarized: International Network on Consumer Behavior Studies and CIRCLE.OUTPUTSThe products will be:- A data base where the data collected will be made accessible to all higher education and public organisms through a ...
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 TERMINÉ maintenance of less fertile areas, preservation of sensible ecosystems etcThe project brings together 9 organisations from 8 European countries, undertaking several wide ranging activities of transnational nature: 9 workshops of museum professionals and other related cultural operators; 2 international conferences; 7 transnational exhibitions on characteristic themes of pastoral culture (handic ...
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TOSCA will enable and organise mobility of 100 CA nationals to EU universities. Each of the 12 CA partners universities will send to EU partners 6 mobile individuals (two undergraduate, one master, one doctoral or one post-doc students and two members of staff - one academic and one administrative) which is 72% of total number of total mobilities. However 6 people is a small number in terms of ...
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...istributed as follows: 16 BA, 39 MA, 44 PhD, 22 PostDoc places and 34 staff mobilities. Two-thirds of the staff mobilities will be for academic staff and one third for personnel related to the internationalization process of the universities.The project builds on existing research and environments, taking the best from each to build up excellent exchange and cooperation, establishing a collaborati ...
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...sciplinarity, multi-stakeholders approach, integration between research and teaching, between different size Universities and between University and society) aims at reinforcing the HE systems at national, regional and interregional level. The expected impact will hopefully be a general strengthening of CA HEIs, both in their internal activities and procedures (teaching, research, academic organiz ...
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CANEM2 will enable and organize mobility of 135 CA nationals to EU universities and 5 European Staff to CA universities. Each of the 15 CA partner-universities will send to EU partner-universities undergraduate, masters, doctoral, post-doc students and staff members – academic/administrative. This mobility will have significant impact on the capacity of CA partner universities. The main instrumen ...
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