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7 projets européens trouvés

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Knowledge Exchange Program for the Adriatic School System (KEPASS)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

...bility, a secondary school will need to be accredited within the KEPASS system. Only schools offering a real added value to students in terms of education offer, afternoon activities, additional international modules, languages, mutual recognition of competences acquired and tutorship to students in mobility will receive accreditation. Accreditation will therefore become a tool for schools to beco ...
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Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (CE-Ageing Platform)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

...ral European (CE) Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society, in short “CE-Ageing Platform”, aims to minimise these negative effects and impacts of demographic change in Central Europe through transnational partnership. The project idea derived from cooperation between various partners and their desire to jointly contribute to improved framework conditions in their regions in order to foster economi ...
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The project envisages a common framework of competencies and qualifications for the recognition of and validation of entrepreneurial-related and managerial skills acquired in non-formal learning. This will be achieved by developing a certification methodology and criteria to validate informal learning especially for the credibility and recognition of the competencies established. This will help c ...
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... erfordert die steigende Eigenständigkeit von Berufsbildungsinstitutionen (Outsourcing von Ausbildungsabteilungen der Unternehmen/ erhöhte Eigenverantwortung von beruflichen Schulen) auf nationaler Ebene eine stärker werdende Nachweispflicht der Qualität der geleisteten Arbeit und der Fähigkeit, diese zu entwickeln.In den Institutionen der beruflichen Bildung werden daher nun ebenfalls vermehrt Qu ...
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The aim of the project is to design and test in the hotel industry a prototype set of methodologies and tools for documenting and comparing skills and qualifications with a view to promoting transparency, recognition and, most importantly, transferability (ECTS). The specific target group includes hotel workers in the tourism sector.
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The decision to carry through this project in the metal sector was above all influenced by the current development towards a decrease of manufacturing tasks in favour of knowledge-intensive and service oriented tasks and the resulting changed requirements for competency. The creation of new learning offers during initial training, changed occupational profiles and qualification profiles as well as ...
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The aim of the project is to design and test in the hotel industry a prototype set of methodologies and tools for documenting and comparing skills and qualifications with a view to promoting transparency, recognition and, most importantly, transferability (ECTS). The specific target group includes hotel workers in the tourism sector.
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