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33 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2023,

Background The ongoing decline of amphibian species is especially severe in Central and Northern Europe, particularly those species listed in Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive. This is due to habitat destruction and degradation, mainly driven by the intensification of land use over recent decades. In some regions, more than 90% of reproduction po ...
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Background The LIFE project is located in the north, north-west and south of Berlin and takes in 10 Natura 2000 sites located within three riverine systems. Bog woodlands are important stepping stones and hotspots of biodiversity habitats within the otherwise rather species-low environment. The limited occurrence of this habitat hinders its functionality ...
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Background Some 25-30% of carbon stored in ecosystems is found in peatlands, twice as much carbon as is stored in forests. Peatland degradation, however, leads to the decomposition and mineralisation of peat and consequently to the release of the stored carbon in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). According to Wetlands International, there are at least 500 ...
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Grassland for meadowbirds

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2021,

Background The ‘Lower Rhine Area’ Natura 2000 site in North Rhine-Westphalia, is a special protection area (SPA) according to the EU Birds Directive, holding populations of rare and endangered European breeding and wintering bird species that need protecting. Primarily, the conservation measures are concentrated in the "Düffel, Kellener Altrhein und ...
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Achieving the European environmental objectives for 2020 requires not only technological progress, but also a major change in energy consumption behaviour. The enCOMPASS project will implement and validate an integrated socio-technical approach to behavioural change for energy saving, by developing innovative user-friendly digital tools to make energy consumption data available and understandable ...
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Enterprise is VITAL

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

Who - Enterprise is VITAL (Vision, Innovation, Teamwork, Achievement and Leadership) is a partnership between five VET colleges (UK, Spain, Portugal, and Finland), a Business Incubation Centre in the UK and a Business Association in Spain (APIP). VET partners will also act as a host for 40 local businesses to participate.What - This is a three year project whereby 8 VET staff and 360 students from ...
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Background The "Unterer Niederrhein" is a wetland and pasture area containing, amongst others, a variety of river and alluvial habitats. The area holds RAMSAR and SPA designations, which helps to protect its floodplain complex, where priority bird species breed and winter. Alterations to the river’s natural conditions are considered to have contributed ...
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Kulturgeschichte Digital / Cultuurgeschiedenis verdigitaald

Date du début: 14 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2018,

Description (EN): Innovative product development for the marketing of the cross border Nature Park MSN using digital means of communication, based on the cross-border cultural history and existing cultural elements. The extensive range of cultural history will be available with the help of modern media in order to reach new target groups of tourists and to support the regional econo ...
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The proposed action intends to spread the entrepreneurship around the EU, with a VET training course based on needs of the EU young people, characterized by innovation, creativity and certified contents. Today, the economic crisis around Europe have created a widespread sense of disappointment, especially in the new generations that are increasingly resigned to accept works without carrier expecta ...
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Background This project will focus on measures to improve habitats along the Lower Rhine, near Emmerich (Germany), adjacent to the Dutch border. The Emmerich floodplain has been disconnected from the river Rhine since 1850. The area is characterised by some remnants of typical habitats of floodplains of large rivers, such as small areas of alluvial forest ...
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Background The presence of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Schorfheide-Chorin, northeast Germany, is of great significance. The species can be found 25 km away from the project area, but it has very complex habitat requirements. As a result its numbers are in decline in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, where there is increasing lo ...
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Out of School

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

CADFA’s work brings young people from Britain and Palestine together in order to promote human rights. Over the past few years, Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association has worked together with Dar Assadaqa, Abu Dis, to help build links between schools in Britain and Palestine and to help the schools maintain their links. During this time, we have shown that this work is a fertile way of exploring ...
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Background The European common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) is listed in Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive (i.e., in need of strict protection) and is also listed in the IUCN Red List of ‘threatened species’ for Germany. In North Rhine-Westphalia, which represents the extreme western limit of its range, it is already close to extinction. More ...
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Twinning in Action

Date du début: 26 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 25 sept. 2016,

CADFA’s work brings young people from Britain and Palestine together in order to promote human rights. Over the past few years, Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, together with Dar Assadaqa, Abu Dis, has organised annual youth exchanges of hundreds of young people so that they can learn about each other’s lives and challenge discrimination. The Twinning in Action project will integrate and s ...
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Ta'awun- Co-operation

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

This exciting project will offer an opportunity for youth from the Middle East and Europe to work together in a new way. The project will help them develop understanding and solidarity between them as they create and run activities to support the work of Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association (CADFA) including communication with twinned organisations in Palestine. Over two years, 12 young volunteer ...
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Background Amphibians are recognised as some of Europe’s most endangered species. Loss of key habitat features has contributed to species decline, as intensive land use systems remove ponds, close migration corridors, and limit the availability of foraging, hibernation and overwintering areas. Such factors have particularly affected amphibian species li ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

Background Road traffic, industry, energy production and households are all sources of air pollution and pose a threat to human health. Moreover, individual pollutants, such as diesel soot as a component of PM10, also contribute significantly to climate change. The Europan Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC) has summarised five previous acts on ambient ai ...
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Background Brown moss fens were once common in Brandenburg, however, near-natural base-rich or calcareous percolation mires and spring mires have now virtually vanished because of drainage. Only three near-natural base-rich fens of lacustrine origin (terrestrialisation mires) still exist. Furthermore, there are many moderately degraded fens that are in ne ...
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Background The Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Hetter-Millinger Bruch, is part of the Special Protection Area (SPA) Unterer Niederrhein, an area consisting of 21 000 ha. It is one of the largest and most important breeding, roosting and wintering sites in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). The project area covers 665 ha and comprises up to 20% of the black ...
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Obstvielfalt kennt keine Grenzen (Obstgarten - II-3-04=039.7)

Date du début: 31 mars 2012, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2014,

Das Projekt Erhalt alter Obstsorten im Grenzgebiet möchte mit seinen Aktivitäten zum einem den Erhalt alter regionaler Obstsorten in den Gebieten Wassenberg, Wegberg, Roerdalen und dem Kreis Heinsberg sowie der Stadt MG fördern. Durch die Eröffnungsfeier und der damit verbundenen öffentlichen Zugänglichkeit des 1. Rheinischen Obstsortengartens in Wassenberg, einer Machbarbeitsstudie zur touristi ...
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Restoration of habitats in the Federsee bog (ReHa Federseemoor) (ReHa Federseemoor)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 mars 2014,

Background The Federsee bog, in the district of Biberach in Baden-Württemberg, covers an area of 2 920 ha and is designated a Natura 2000 site. It is the largest bog in south-west Germany and includes several habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive: Molinia meadows on chalk and clay (6410), eutrophic tall herbs (6430), alkaline fens (7230), ...
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Visualisierung euregionaler Waldgeschichte (VIEW - II-3-03=158)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

Das Projekt "Visualisierung euregionaler Waldgeschichte" hat den Schutz und die touristische Inwertsetzung der kulturhistorischen Landschaftselemente im Wald im Bereich der Euregio Rhein-Waal zum Ziel. Darüber hinaus soll das Projekt einen Beitrag zur Identität der verschiedenen Regionen liefern. Hierfür soll die Waldgeschichte populärwissenschaftlich zusammengefasst werden und die sichtbaren Spur ...
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Rettung der Obstgarten-Vogelarten

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

Die typischen Vogelarten der Streuobstwiesen/Obstgärten , Gartenrotschwanz, Wendehals, Wiedehopf und Steinkauz, waren bis vor einigen Jahren in der Region Hegau-Schaffhausen-Klettgau regelmäßig als Brutvogelarten anzutreffen, sind aber heute sehr selten geworden bzw. ausgestorben. Gartenrotschwanz und Wendehals kommen in Restpopulationen noch vor, der Wiedehopf taucht in der Zugzeit in der Region ...
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Baltic Flyway

Date du début: 31 juil. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2013,

Das übergeordnete Ziel des Projektes ist:Die Sicherung des Schutzes der Natur und ihrer ökologischen Vielfalt entlang der Vogelfluglinie – hierunter die aktive Vermittlung der Biologie der Zugvögel und der Vogelzugroute. Dieses Ziel soll umgesetzt werden in drei Fokusthemen:1. Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit der Vogelstationen und Reservate entlang der Vogelfluglinie 2. Naturschutzinitiative ...
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Habitat Euregio

Date du début: 30 juin 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

Treize organisations environnementales des Pays-Bas, de Belgique et d’Allemagne vont unir leurs efforts en vue de renforcer la continuité paysagère entre les principaux parcs nationaux et réserves naturelles de la région frontalière. Dans le cadre de ce projet, appelé Habitat Euregio, le réseau écologique sera amélioré et une collaboration durable entre gestionnaires de la nature et du paysage ser ...
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Experience of nature Usedom Island - Karsibor (INT-08-0006)

Date du début: 16 août 2009, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2011,

Extension of the information centre Wisent-park and the environmental education point Kaseburg – exhibition and interactive knowledge transfer – landscape and wildlife within the Pomeranian area – formation of an environmental education centre, visual visitors information (wall charts, didactical games, etc. about nature protection and places of interest) ...
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...nd Gegenwart. Die eigentlichen Führungen sind nicht Gegenstand der Förderung. Sie werden, ebenso wie die zukünftigen Schulungen, aus Teilnehmerbeiträgen und dem allgemeinen Haushalt der NABU-Naturschutzstation und der WMG getragen. Wenn die erste Auflage der Broschüre vergriffen ist, kann zumindest ein unveränderter Nachdruck über den zu erwartenden Verkaufserlös finanziert werden. Das hier bea ...
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Living Rhine floodplain near Karlsruhe (Rheinauen Karlsruhe)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 31 mai 2010,

Background The river Rhine is a very busy shipping route in Europe and flows through densely settled terrain, so regulation of its hydrology began long ago and has continued until today. Some impacts of these interventions on the natural river and floodplain ecosystems are immediate and obvious; others such as desiccation and stagnation are long-term and ...
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SDF (Sustainable Development of Flood Plains) (SDF)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

The bursting of river banks, flooding of towns and evacuation of communities, have, in recent times, brought about the need for drastic short-term measures including the construction of emergency dams and dykes. With flooding predicted to become ever more acute and ever more frequent, German and Dutch governments have been forced to take more drastic long-term action to cope with rising water leve ...
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The project addresses problems in the realisation of forested water-retention areas by way of natural and social-scientific studies in the river Rhine catchment area. Its objective is to develop and test strategies for the sustainable management and formulate recommendations for decision-makers. Involving ten partners from Germany, France and the Netherlands, and led by the University of Freiburg, ...
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Coherent Habitat network in the Mosel - River basin (Mosel)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2002, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2003,

Background Objectives
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Mit der „Fokus Natur“ sollte, angelehnt an Vorbilder in Großbritannien( und den Niederlanden, eine deutschsprachigeMesseveranstaltung für Vogel- und Naturbeobachter miteinem naturkundlich orientierten Rahmenprogramm implementiertwerden. Das Projekt sollte ein internationales Publikum mit Besuchernaus Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ansprechen undnaturinteressierte Jugen ...
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...ers working in the conservation sector. The five partners were: National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Le Conservatoire du Littoral (French Coastal and Lakeshore Conservation Agency); NABU (German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union); Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Nature Conservation Organisation); and St Helena National Trust. The overall aim of the partnership was to help equip ...
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