Rechercher des projets européens

4 projets européens trouvés

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European farmers and their successors live in a changing market environment and have to prepare for the new Common Agricultural Policy after 2015, allowing more freedom to produce products of own choice and quantity. The new EU countries experience this even more. Especially the situation in less favored regions, often in remote areas with relative small farms, is complex. Such families are found ...
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The ROKWOOD project will support the cooperation between six European research-driven clusters in order to improve research and technological development (RTD), market uptake and to increase investments in wooden biomass production and utilisation schemes at regional level. The six participating regional clusters will be co-ordinated in order to develop a Joint Action Plan (JAP) at European level ...
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"The European Commission has identified poor diets and low physical activity levels as health challenges wich should be adressed by actions across policy areas and engaging a range of public and private actors. Research points to a necessary link between nutrition and physical activity, but regional health economies need better collaboration between triple-helix actors to tap this potential.This p ...
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The European agricultural sector has experienced numerous changes in the last decade. Developments in the new EU member states have been even more significant – first because of the transition into the market economy after the fall of the communist regime, and second because of the accession to the EU. In such circumstances the ability to apply long term decisions and entrepreneurial skills are ke ...
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