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7 projets européens trouvés

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Vivre ensemble : différences et identités

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

This project is entitled “LIVING TOGETHER: DIFFERENCES AND IDENTITIES” and takes place from 17th to 24st April 2016 in Narbonne, in France. It will gather 12 European partners of the organisation Roudel, each of them represented by an official person responsible of the organization and two young people (with young people with fewer opportunities among them since Roudel and its partners aim their a ...
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Kültürlerarası Gönüllülük

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 févr. 2016,

Women and children are our prior working groups in our activities. The participation of the working class in our project to the applying and progressing to the project is our prior principle. We fulfilled many important projects and activities. Realization of the violence in the family with the women and children Project, Handiwork Project with women, Project of the study room for the children, ...
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The project „ European integration – more than crossing borders“ within the European Voluntary Service gives young Europeans and people in Germany an understanding of other cultures and supports their acceptance, tolerance and respectful acquaintance. As the foreign participants will live in Germany for 12 months another aim is acquiring competences to manage daily life abroad, dealing with a fo ...
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Youth as European Citizens

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

The seminar "Youth as European Citizens" took place in Rezekne, Latvia from 9th till 15th August 2015. All together 12 European organizations with the amount of 33 participants from 11 European countries took part in the seminar: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey and Latvia. The main aim of this seminar was to increase the understanding of European ...
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Intercultural learning and mobility for young people IIplus

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

The 4 European volunteers will be hosted in the local area of Padova , in Xena, and respectively for 6 and 9 months. During their period in Italy they will help the H.O. in the activities that associations runs in the field of work with youth and social activities. Their presence will be of great help for the added value that they will bring in the activities, new ideas and new projects they ...
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Democracy and you(th)

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 3 déc. 2015,

This project originated during and after a network seminar in Narbonne (France) in November 2014. Some of the partners (now part of an informal network) agreed to focus on democracy and youth participation, considering such a theme extremely considerable for young people, in a general context of mistrust toward democratic processes and institutions. This project aims to make youngsters reflect and ...
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Kültürlerarasý Gönüllülük

Date du début: 1 mai 2011,

Women and children are our prior working groups in our activities. The participation of the working class in our project to the applying and progressing to the project is our prior principle. We fulfilled many important projects and activities. Realization of the violance in the family with the women and children Project, Handiwork Project with women, Project of the study room for the children, ...
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