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3 projets européens trouvés

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Equal chance for all - a chance for better future

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

Con questo corso di formazione utilizzando la metodologia dell'educazione non formale abbiamo creato un ambiente diauto-apprendimento per i partecipanti, facilitando lo sviluppo e l'acquisizione di nuove abilità, competenze e attitudini. Abbiamoofferto una diversa gamma di attività come l'ascolto attivo, metodi creativi e visivi, socializzazione, secondo lo stile diapprendimento di ogni partecipan ...
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There are number of ways to take action toward making a positive impact. However, working in collaboration with others often yields the best results. That’s why the evaluation meeting is a follow-up project of the Youth Exchange that took place from 25th March to 1st April, 2012 in Sinzig, Germany. The evaluation meeting 'Reflection and Development of the Movement. Young and Creative Entrepreneurs ...
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Meeting Point!

Date du début: 1 mai 2014,

The Youth Exchange “Meeting Point!” aims to provide a safe space to explore different cultures and establish an effective intercultural dialogue between its participants, as well as explore the connection between the lack of intercultural understanding and the raise of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. Also creative workshops inthe afternoon in order to create outcomes (theatre, video, p ...
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