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17 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2019,

The overall objective of the SYSTEMIC project (“Say Yes to STEM In the Classroom”) is to increase young Europeans’ interest in maths, science, engineering and technology education and careers and to provide teachers with the appropriate pedagogical tools to enable them to teach STEM topics differently and in a more attractive way. Underpinning new teaching approaches to be further developed, SYSTE ...
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Within all European member countries there are moves towards greater educational inclusion. The promotion of equity in educational opportunities is a clear strategic challenge for the EU member States. Countries’ systems of funding for education play a crucial role in ensuring that learners from disadvantaged groups – including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities - have access ...
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Across Europe, there are large disparities in the number of apprenticeship placements offered to students in Professional Higher Education. This is partially due to the fact that:a) SMEs may not have the structures in place to take on apprenticesb) The value proposition is not always clear for the SMEsc) PHE Institutions often find it easier to work with a few large enterprises t ...
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Monitoring Technology Enhanced Pedagogy

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

MENTEP (MENtoring Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy), a policy experiment involving public authorities in 13 countries, coordinated by European Schoolnet, aims to:Develop a reliable, user-friendly and sustainable tool for teachers to self-assess progress in 1СГ competenceTest the tool's usefulness using rigorous counterfactual protocols, its effect on ICT competencies and peer learningBased on data fro ...
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Enhancing Quality through Innovative Policy & Practice

Date du début: 1 nov. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) are the basis for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In 2014 the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) endorsed a revised version of the ESG that was proposed by stakeholders, which is now subject to the approval of the next EHEA Ministerial Conference in May 2015.The revised ESG in ...
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ColEduLAB – Collaborative Education Lab

Date du début: 1 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

CO-LAB meets a growing need in Europe to develop policy measures and practical initiatives to support large-scale, sustainable and effective practices in collaborative teaching and learning in schools. The ability to work together rather than individually to reach common goals or solve problems is a transversal skill which also has the potential to increase student motivation and longer term learn ...
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Youth Start - Entrepreneurial Challenges

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The Youth Start Entrepreneurial Challenge Project (UStart) aims to have a significant impact on practical experiential learning program at the compulsory school level through the collaboration of the high-level public authorities of Austria, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. The UStart Challenge Model works on; 1) Entrepreneurial Core Competency Challenges (i.e. Idea, Individual, Hero Cour ...
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European Coordinating Body in Maths, Science and Technology Education (ECB) (ECB)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

The European Coordinating Body in Maths, Science and Technology Education (ECB) is a large-scale strategic response to the FP7 call to reinforce links between science education and science and technology careers in the private sector through reinforcing the partnership industry/education.The overall aim of the ECB is to increase young Europeans’ interest in mathematics, science and technology (MST ...
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European Schoolnet Living Schools Lab (LSL)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

The LivingSchoolsLab project is a 24-month Coordination Action with 15 partners, including 12 Ministries of Education (MoE) or organisations nominated to act on their behalf. It is coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN) that has extensive experience of demonstrating and showcasing best practice involving ICT use in schools and in coordinating large-scale, pan-European school pilots and validation ...
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Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (ITEC)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 31 août 2014,

Description ITEC is a large-scale pilot project, focused on the design of the future classroom, exploring the integration of technologies into teaching and learning. iTEC is a large-scale pilot involving up to 1,000 classrooms focused on Learning in the 21st Century and the design of the future cl ...
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Date du début: 19 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 18 oct. 2013,

CETIC aplica las nuevas tecnologías de la información (NTI) al ámbito educativo no formal e informal en el seno de la familia y de los operadores sociales para la región de la Macaronesia. El proyecto interviene en el marco del intercambio permanente de experiencias y buenas prácticas, emprendiendo dos líneas complementarias. Por un lado, utiliza las NTI para mejorar la calidad y eficiencia de los ...
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Date du début: 19 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 18 oct. 2013,

A lo largo de la trayectoria escolar, los jóvenes se enfrentan a momentos clave en los que tienen que tomar decisiones sobre las opciones que guiarán sus estudios. Estas elecciones suelen repercutir en el futuro mediante la constatación de no haber sido las correctas ya que en ocasiones, no cuentan con los elementos suficientes para tomar las decisiones adecuadas en el momento en que están obliga ...
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Date du début: 19 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 18 oct. 2013,

La formación profesional es un punto cada vez más importante en la estrategia de educación y cualificación de los jóvenes. Obtener niveles de gran calidad en los perfiles de los formados, exige una gran inversión, que no todos los países pueden afrontar. Las limitaciones son tanto en términos de la inversión en infraestructuras, equipo, como también en términos de formadores, que estén debidamente ...
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Based upon the understanding that Food Safety/Hygiene is an essential part of public health, this project, with six partners in five countries, will develop an educational training package for school teachers on 'Good Practice for Food Hygiene and Food Safety'. Project partners will develop a training package able to make use of relevant existing, easily accessible teaching and learning materials ...
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The key ambition of the project was an innovation transfer of a curriculum for e-facilitators. An already existing, but “de-contextualized” curriculum was translated and adapted according to the needs in the three transfer receiving countries Germany, Latvia and Portugal. "Transfer" in this case meant that an already existing curriculum (focusing on teaching, networking, management competences and ...
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El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo general el desarrollo de acciones formativas de postgraduados de Universidades de África Occidental en las Universidades Canarias. Mediante este proyecto, el conjunto de socios seleccionará a un total de 18 postgraduados africanos para cursar programas de doctorado o master en las universidades canarias. La distribución de alumnos y/o profesores tendrá el o ...
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El Gobierno de Canarias y el Gobierno de la República de Cabo Verde formalizaron en 1999 un Convenio Marco de Cooperación, revisado posteriormente y actualizado a través de un protocolo de actuaciones en noviembre de 2003 con el objeto de promover una mayor cohesión económica y social entre ambos Archipiélagos y propiciar una mayor integración territorial impulsando un desarrollo sostenible en lo ...
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