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21 projets européens trouvés

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BIG HIT will create a replicable hydrogen territory in Orkney (Scotland) by implementing a fully integrated model of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and utilisation for heat, power and mobility. BIG HIT will absorb curtailed energy from two wind turbines and tidal turbines on the islands of Eday and Shapinsay, and use 1.5MW of PEM electrolysis to convert it into ~50 t pa of hydrogen. ...
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Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s ...
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DEMOnstration for Tidal Industry DErisking (DEMOTIDE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020, resource, make this a site ripe for commercial exploitation. The DEMOTIDE consortium unites strong players with each of the required competencies to deliver this array. Leading technology supplier Marine Current Turbines (an Atlantis company) can rely on experience gained from operating its SeaGen tidal turbine system for several years. The participation of both MCT and Atlantis technology deve ...
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ATLAS creates a dynamic new partnership between multinational industries, SMEs, governments and academia to assess the Atlantic’s deep-sea ecosystems and Marine Genetic Resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable Blue Growth. ATLAS will gather diverse new information on sensitive Atlantic ecosystems (incl. VMEs and EBSAs) to produce a step-change in our ...
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Marine (blue) biotechnology is the key to unlocking the huge economic potential of the unique biodiversity of marine organisms. This potential remains largely underexploited due to lack of connectivity between research services, practical and cultural difficulties in connecting science with industry, and high fragmentation of regional research, development and innovation (RDI) policies. To overcom ...
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Multi-Use in European Seas (MUSES)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

... Multi-Use in European Seas (MUSES) project will review existing planning and consenting processes against international quality standards for MSP and compliance with EU Directives used to facilitate marine and coastal development in the EU marine area to ensure that they are robust, efficient and facilitate sustainable multi use of marine resources. The project will build knowledge of the appropr ...
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The EDUCO2CEAN project is promoted by Portuguese Association for Environmental Education – ASPEA (Portugal), the International Campus of Excellence - Campus do Mar (Spain), the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology of Scotland, the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technologic Culture – Ciência Viva, the secondary education centres IES Virxe do Mar and Ribeira do Louro (Spain) and ...
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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace)

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

The AquaSpace project has the goal of providing increased space for aquaculture to allow increased production. Following the call, we will achieve this by identifying the key constraints experienced by aquaculture development in a wide range of contexts and aquaculture types, taking into account all relevant factors and advised by a Reference User Group. We will then map these constraints against ...
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Benthic ecosystem fisheries Impact Study (BENTHIS)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

...e impact of fisheries on benthic ecosystem which may negatively affect the fisheries yield and integrity of the sea bed. To develop an integrated approach to the management of human activities in the marine environment, in particular fishing, there is a need to develop quantitative tools to assess the impact of fisheries on the benthic ecosystem and at the same time collaborate with the fishing in ...
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Targeted disease prophylaxis in European fish farming (TargetFish)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

European aquaculture production provides direct employment to 65.000 people with a turnover of 3 billion €. However, the lack of authorised veterinary medicinal products and the consequent disease outbreaks in farmed fish species costs the sector 20% of the production value. The most appropriate method for disease control, both on economical and ethical grounds, is disease prevention by vaccinatio ...
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Research and innovation are central elements in the Europe 2020 Strategy and it is recognised that bioeconomy is an important element of the Strategy. DG RTD has issued a European Strategy “Innovating for sustainable growth: a bioeconomy for Europe” paving the way to a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society that reconciles food security with the sustainable use of renewable re ...
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NACLIM aims at investigating and quantifying the predictability of the climate in the North Atlantic/European sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice variability and change on seasonal to decadal time scales. SST and sea-ice forcing have a crucial impact on weather and climate in Europe. Rather than running climate forecasts ourselves, we will analyze the ...
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Risk Based Consenting of Offshore Renewable Energy Projects (RiCORE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The consenting of offshore renewable energy is often cited as one of the main non-technical barriers to the development of this sector. A significant aspect of this is the uncertainty inherent in the potential environmental impacts of novel technology. To ensure consents are compliant with EU and national legislation, such as the Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Directive, costly and t ...
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Mapping and communicating marine energy potentials (MAP-MEP)

Date du début: 6 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

MAP-MEP campaigns for a broader societal awareness and dialogue on energy potentials in the North Sea Region. The awareness marketing is designed to increase future energy partnership capacities and to found decision making. Results from energy-sector related INTERREG IVB NSR projects are compiled for the regional audience and beyond.MAP-MEP aims at feeding the mainstream energy debate with topica ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Creation of a transnational network with the aim of improving competitiveness and economic and social sustainability of European brown crab industry, by proposing policies, encouraging the adoption of accredited procedures for the delivery of brown crabs in different markets with high quality and sourced from sustainable fisheries. Introduction of practices and innovative products, increase the p ...
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Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe (EcoFishMan)

Date du début: 1 mars 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

EcoFishMan seeks to develop a responsive fisheries management system (RFMS) based on results-based management (RBM) principles. The intended context of application of the RFMS is complex, mixed-fisheries and multi-stakeholder fishery sectors like those found in the EU/Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) area. It will be an ecosystem-based sustainable management system under a precautionary framework tha ...
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"The project aims to continue with some exciting work following up a development in delivering active agents to bivalve molluscs through micro-encapsulation. The early work showed that bacteria with a potential in vitro to break down some algal toxins could be effectively delivered to the gut of the bivalve. The size and nature of the micro-capsule (bead) was shown to be key. The SMEs and Other in ...
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...ction. This is in spite of unprecedented management measures to halt this decline. Arguably the greatest challenge in salmon conservation is to gain insight into the spatial and ecological use of the marine environment by different regional and river stocks, which are known to show variation in marine growth, condition, and survival. Salmon populations may migrate to different marine zones, whose ...
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Feasibility study of triploid salmon production (SALMOTRIP)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2011,

"With the rapid growth of aquaculture seen in recent years, one major fundamental problem has arisen being the environmental pollution due to increased numbers of escapee fish interacting with wild populations. A greater public awareness, the need to protect natural resources and increase the food safety requires the development and implementation of new environmental regulations. There is therefo ...
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Biotechnological utilisation of marines resources (VALBIOMAR)

Date du début: 31 août 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

The VALBIOMAR project seeks to develop an Atlantic network of competences in the domain of maximising the biotechnological value of living marine resources, and energising relations among laboratories and SMEs to produce concrete co-operation, and the development of new activities. The principal object of VALBIOMAR rests on the necessity, in the context of the rarefaction of certain marine resourc ...
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Save the North Sea (SNS)

Date du début: 26 févr. 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2004,

The aim of "Save the North Sea" is to contribute to a sustainable and less polluted North Sea by influencing attitudes and behaviour regarding marine litter among groups who are among the key sources of this problem: the fishing, offshore, recreational and shipping industries. Save the North Sea is supported by the Swedish, Danish and Scottish Ministries of the Environment as well as the Dutch Min ...
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