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3 projets européens trouvés

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International Standards training in VET for promotion of market relevant education

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

Linking education with innovation is a necessary step towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in terms of increasing labor market relevance of VET and promoting a more resource efficient and competitive economy. The standards are crucial part of any activity on nowadays life. The necessity of education about standardization is already recognized at European level. The main objective of IST ...
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The project titled "Integration opportunities for the European labour market through the Erasmus+ programme for graduates having a qualification of Automotive Electronist Electrician Technician", whose beneficiary is the "George Bibescu" Technological High School, has a target group of XI-th grade students who are in initial training, skill level 3. The mobility will take place in one flux in May ...
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The project titled "Initial formation with Erasmus+ mobilities, the key to succeeding in passing from theory to practice" whose beneficiary is the "George Bibescu" Technological High School, has a target group of XI-th grade students who are in initial training, skill level 3. The mobility will take place in two different fluxes in April and June 2015. The two partners are from Spain, namely from ...
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