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3 projets européens trouvés

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Job Coach für Menschen mit Behinderungen

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

...icant: Grone schools); b) The Netherlands with the organizations Coordan and the Professional Association of Job Coaches; c) Poland (Wsparcie Społeczne Ja-Ty- My, Association EKON);; d) France (les genets d'or) e) Northern Ireland (University of Belfast). All partners have facilities for working with people with disabilities at the university, health, social and professional level at disposition. ...
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...ain activity of this project is the discovery of the Italian innovative practices in educational support of people with Alzheimer's disease.5 professionals in Gerontological Center of the association Les Genêts d'Or (3 professionals in the education field support, 1 psychologist and 1 manager) will perform at a Bologna mobility, a collective placement in nursing homes for CADIAI, Italian partner m ...
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...ion and there is a need for training to face those new challenges and to be able to respond to them in the most appropriate way.The project aims at developing and carrying out innovative training modules to help front line staff and health-professionals deal with these new challenges. DESCRIPTION OF OUTPUTSThe training modules will be based on needs assessments and on work of experts. They will be ...
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