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10 projets européens trouvés

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This multilateral youth exchange is planned to take place in September 2011, gathering 20 youngpeople between 18 and 25 years old and few youthleaders from Turkey,Romania,Italy,Latvia,Spain and Poland.Discovering each other cultures by organising activities for eachother, the youngsters live, play andwork together during 7 days. European citizenship and intercultural dialogue are central themes i ...
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The “More Participation More Freedom for Future” Project aims to increase young people’s active participation to the local governments’ decision making process and develop young participants’ understanding of European Citizenship. Young participants will be encouraged to have a say and affect the decisions which are decided for their and their societies’ future by this project. Young participants ...
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Date du début: 1 mars 2013,

The youth exchange project "EmploCreActivity" will take place on 29th July – 7th August in Rezekne, Latvia. It will be organized by Language and Cultural Centre "World at Our Home" which will host 42 participants from 6 organizations both European and neighbouring countries. Participants will come from Greece, Italy, Belgium, Russia and Georgia. The main themes of the project are youth unemploymen ...
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Rhythm and Sound: Europe in Lights!

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

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Youth for Intergenerational Solidarity

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

The seminar will take place from 9th until 14th October 2011 in Rezekne, Latvia. It will be organized by the “World at Our Home” which will host 49 participants from 26 organizations both European and neighbouring countries. Participants will come from Armenia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and La ...
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TC "How to build functional Networks and Coalitions on Youth issues" will be organized from 16 until 23 October, in Budva, Montenegro, and gather 36 representatives from 16 organisations and institutions working with youth (half from Program countries EU: Italy, The Netherlands, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, including Turkey and half from SEE: Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, under th ...
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Volunteer Management

Date du début: 1 févr. 2011,

Training Course "Volunteer Management" (Bar, Montenegro, ) includes 30 participants (youth workers, staff members and volunteers) from organizations coming from different parts of Europe -geographically and politically: members of EU and SEE region (Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Lithuania, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, FYROM).This training will help them to plan effectively at al ...
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Youth Unlimited

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

Youth Unlimited is a training course which aims to create sustainable ways of youth empowerment through participation and practicing democratic citizenship in youth organizations. During 7 days, 25 youth leaders coming from 17 organizations and 16 EU countries (Poland, Spain, Romania, Latvia.FYR Macedonia, Lithuania .Kosovo, Denmark .Greece, Serbia.Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Montengro and C ...
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As we enter the 21st century, the world faces migration as one of the biggest challenges ever where no country is left out of its involvement. Many societies become more multicultural, multi¬ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual and countries and communities are challenged to face this diversity in a way that it will bring peace and respect for everybody.Our organizations working with minorties o ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2009,

« Moving generation 5 » est la cinquième version du projet d'accueil, d'envoi et de coordination EUROCIRCLE pour le Service Volontaire Européen activement soutenus par un partenariat public-privé bien développé et ce de longue date.Forts de nos expériences précédentes en matière de conduite de projets européens et spécifiquement dans le champ du Programme Jeunesse en Action, nous souhaitons poursu ...
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