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2 projets européens trouvés

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Volunteering with Libraries and Social Institutions for Society Education

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

... to join the activities of various social care and public education institutions in Lithuania. Volunteers targeted the most painful issues in the society: social inequality and exclusion, homophobia, lack of tolerance and lack of adequate public information. With different volunteer tasks in each Organization volunteers directed their efforts towards united goals creating open, tolerant, and educa ...
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Pekarna-magdalenske mreze institution will host three EVS volunteers, two from France and one from Belgium. The project will last 9 months. The main aim of the project is to include volunteers in cultural activities of the host organization and give her/him the possibility to participate in the formation of cultural, youth, youth-information and humanitarian activities of Pekarna-magdalenske mreze ...
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