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4 projets européens trouvés

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The I.S.L.E network: Innovation in the teaching of Sustainable Development in Life sciences in Europe, will ultimately involve HEIs, Research institutes, and enterprises from 32 countries (including two "third countries" Ukraine, Belarus), interested in introducing the concept of Sustainable Development in their curricula and/or institutions having had experience in this area and who are willing t ...
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The EURIS project plans to create a transferable training module able to be integrated into forestry and wood science education across Europe, to facilitate and improve the innovative use of roundwood and to develop potential new markets. All training content will further conform to the principles of sustainable development.A draft curriculum, to be developed by the project will include informatio ...
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The project aims to equip potential wood energy suppliers with the skills necessary for them to move confidently into the developing renewable energy market by offering a series of training courses. Project partners aim to achieve this by, firstly, identifying the most effective wood energy supply systems currently available and then adapting these to fit different partner countries' wood supply a ...
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The project aims to develop a unified European methodology towards an investigative, analytical and constructive training programme for agricultural students and farm managers in the field of sustainable use of land and water.Agricultural colleges and farming & environmental NGOs come together in this project to develop a learning programme based upon the case study method, novel in this field, to ...
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