Rechercher des projets européens

Wood Energy Supply Systems Training

The project aims to equip potential wood energy suppliers with the skills necessary for them to move confidently into the developing renewable energy market by offering a series of training courses. Project partners aim to achieve this by, firstly, identifying the most effective wood energy supply systems currently available and then adapting these to fit different partner countries' wood supply and energy requirement scenarios. The project will create a series of transferable wood energy supply system 'best practice' options. In order to successfully deliver these options, the training needs of user target groups, both students and practitioners, will be identified and a set of short courses will be designed and delivered to meet their needs. Characterisation and compilation of 'best practice' case studies, identifying commercially and environmentally successful wood energy supply systems, will be undertaken through partner-based research and a number of one-day focus group meetings involving representative actors in the relevant industries. Research and meetings will inform the development of course content and will identify the learning needs of target user groups. Courses will be tested and adjusted following participant feedback. The final version of the training courses will be delivered as short, face-to-face, training packages in the participating partner countries. Where appropriate, courses will also provide practical demonstrations. Courses will be supported by technology, such as CD-Rom and a project website, which will be devised to complement course content and which will be used for dissemination of information about the project. Targeted industry dissemination will take place through the European Biomass and Bioenergy Association, the European Biomass Network and the International Energy Agency's Bioenergy Agreement. Attendance at conferences and project dissemination via specialist industry journals will also be undertaken.



6 Participants partenaires