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3 projets européens trouvés

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Kogukonnateater kurtidega

Date du début: 1 août 2013,

The project "Community Theatre for the Deaf" is aimed at young deaf people who are interested in theatre. The project will take place as a creative camp in the Harju county on 12-18 of August 2013. Project’s main goal is to give an opportunity for young deaf to express important issues through Community Theatre methods. Through the improvisational means of theatre and together with a professional ...
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Democracy. Democracy. Creativity

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010,

The project ‘Democracy. Democracy. Creativity’ is a new way of approaching issues that focus on youth opportunities regarding active participation into democratic decision making process. With the goals to ensure successful youth participation developments in Latvia and other European countries, the project aims to implement significant methodology changes into development of democratic values tha ...
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Rediscovering our ways

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

With organizing “Rediscovering our ways“ , we want to help youth from different countries understand cultural diversity at both the national and international levels, develop inter-cultural learning skills and participate in the project of the cultural heritage of their own and other societies and the world around them. Youth should be informed of cultural differences in their own societies and be ...
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