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5 projets européens trouvés

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As our population ages, society faces new challenges. Demand for primary health care services is rising: with the retirement of older professionals and an unwillingness amongst younger professionals to re-locate to remote areas, there is a shortage of physicians, especially in rural areas. The regions round the Baltic Sea are more or less in similar situations. Each of them already pursued separat ...
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 TERMINÉ completed and will be further developed int he sustainable eHealth for Regions network.Pilot implementation in eCardiology: The pilots are implemented in Region Skåne, Kaunas and Lebork, where home nurses and patients are equipped with mobile ECG devices which send data to local heart centers. The evaluation is completed.Dissemination: Project brochure, press information and articles and differ ...
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Network for Future Regional Health Care (Future Health)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

The main objective of this cooperation is to create an effective platform for sharing cross-professional experience on developmental health care issues amongst the participating EU countries. This platform will develop new approaches for resolving health care management problems for the participating organisations. The objective will be pursued by analysing existing treatment processes, developing ...
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Nursing, as a profession, varies greatly across Europe. Partly this is a consequence of significant differences in the way nurses are educated. One indicator of nursing development phase is activeness of qualified nurses in supervision process of student nurses during their clinical placements. A crucial factor within all nurse education systems should be the educational relationship between the s ...
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Shortage of radiologists in Lithuania andLatvia border regions is acute - there areno radiologists available in the hospitals onholidays and weekends when the tendencyof accidents is increasing. Also duringthe working days the radiologists are notavailable all the time. This is the crucial link in patient care between the health problemand adequate treatment.The project increases the quality of li ...
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