Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Student Support and Development Services

Date du début: 15 oct. 2012,

The project aims to establish in target HEIs from GE/KZ/KG/AZ/IL advanced and up-dated services to students and alumni according to the best European practices, able to meet the challenges of a globalised world. This objective will be achieved by enhancing human resource capacity and infrastructure. After an analysis of the needs and constraints, 30 staff members of PC universities will travel ...
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The project aims at the significant reformation and modernization of the pedagogic education system in three countries of Central Asian in terms of its orientation to the best practices of European education area, national specifics and priorities of their home countries and with the purpose to provide the countries with the highly-qualified specialists in pedagogy and also in administrating educa ...
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TARGET II can be considered as a continuation of the previous TARGET project with an extended partnership and introduction of associate members which will increase the consortium differentiation and efficiency (thirteen Central Asian Universities, seven EU universities and seven associate members). The mobility activities will cover all academic levels and most of the fields mentioned in the call ...
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