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5 projets européens trouvés

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AGRIFORVALOR will close the research and innovation divide by connecting practitioners from agriculture and forestry to research and academia as well as with associations and clusters, bio -industry, policy makers; business support organisations, innovation agencies and technology transfer intermediaries in multi-actor innovation partnership networks. Theses networks will be managed by three Biom ...
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eDIGIREGION is a unique collaborative project that brings together a balanced blend of complimentary and experienced partners from four diverse regions. The sixteen (16) people involved in formulating this proposal are senior executives and decision makers in their respective organisations. These partners have embarked upon, are committed to, and have already demonstrated the power of transnationa ...
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IBEC-CBI JBC Programme 2007 to 2010

Date du début: 31 déc. 2006, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2012,

The JBC Programme 2007 to 2010 proposes to deliver benefits for SME's which will involve over 40 Strategic Initiatives focused in 3 main areas of People / skills; Infrastructure; and Innovation, R&D. It will involve- Connecting with a joint membership base of 8,000 companies- Linking with IBEC and CBI offices in Belfast, Dublin, Donegal, Dundalk, London and Brussels- advocacy and lobbying on issue ...
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This project aims to equip teachers, HR professionals and care workers to understand the factors that are critical to life span mental health maintenance and promotion in schools, workplaces and older people’s services and to initiate, implement and monitor policy and programme development within their organisations. This requires:1. An understanding of the distinction between mental health and m ...
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This project aimed to equip employers with the skills necessary to manage and reduce absenteeism by introducing a return to work strategy within the workplace. The e-learning package includes a self-assessment tool that provides the user with a profile of their own knowledge and skills and an organisational profile; A training course for employers, workers and representatives and HP professionals; ...
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