Rechercher des projets européens

3 projets européens trouvés

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In Europe there is a change in the economy that hips increasingly the rural eastern Germany. The aging and declining population are a challenge. Young people looking for their perspectives in city’s. Then they are missing to work for the rural economy and solve the needs of the society there. The rural business got trouble finding suitable candidates for employment and training. They have to react ...
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Green Village

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

The "Green Village" project brings together 9 European states, who share common problems in their local rural areas, such as outward migration of young people, aging populations, abandonment of land, loss of traditional skills and income strands, disintegration of cultural landscape. The partners also recognise and share a number of opportunities for sustainable development on a village scale, thr ...
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EVEHD runs through the European Years of Citizens / Reconciling Work & Family / Development & Cooperation & is relevant to all 3, supporting the positive elements of giving time & energy freely for the benefit of (European) society. The project brings together cultural actors from 6 partner states, UK, TU, IS, DE, RO & SK. Together they bridge West & East, bringing a mutually beneficial cultural e ...
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