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Engaging Volunteers in European Heritage Discovery
Date du début: 1 oct. 2013,

EVEHD runs through the European Years of Citizens / Reconciling Work & Family / Development & Cooperation & is relevant to all 3, supporting the positive elements of giving time & energy freely for the benefit of (European) society. The project brings together cultural actors from 6 partner states, UK, TU, IS, DE, RO & SK. Together they bridge West & East, bringing a mutually beneficial cultural exchange to & from one of the EU’s most recently joined members & a pre-accession state. The partners have experience of engaging local people as volunteers for historical research that leads into local ownership & management of cultural assets, including restoration & ongoing care. The partners are from regions suffering economic depression & their cultural landscapes are assets that can be put to sustainable cultural, social & economic use through local people. The volunteering aspect is critical in these times of economic hardship. There will be plenary, mid-term & final meetings that revolve around 6 actions (1 per country) that engage volunteers in different aspects of cultural heritage research & realisation, including sacred well restoration, field archaeology, historical re-enactment, oral history, restoration of vernacular buildings & support of traditional skills. School children, their teachers, students & their lecturers will join actions as well as travelling partner staff & volunteers who will join local volunteers & interested stakeholders (including cultural business representatives & those from responsible Government Agencies). The products of EVEHD include the actions themselves that mobilise more than 200 individuals (50 international) , a booklet/publication that shows best practice in engaging volunteers, a blog plus 'facebook' page run by volunteers & an interactive web-page. There is a realistic dissemination plan involving all partners & a final dissemination action. Legacy through future training linking to the EU- LLP is a feature



5 Participants partenaires