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3 projets européens trouvés

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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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...ed a wide range of players on the habitat cluster and VET systems (incl. policy makers), national networks were established, involving businesses, VET institutions, design centres and technological institutes, for consultation and project dissemination.The project is expected to have a significant positive impact in lifelong learning in the partner countries and in EU, promoting employability and ...
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 TERMINÉ project goal, is organized on the basis of different background of the partners. It includes 5 participants from 3 countries – AT, BG, TR and is composed by a University, a NGO, a Research Institute, a SME and a Consulting body. The process of “transfer of innovation” is facilitated by the associated members of the consortium - representatives of decision makers, VET professionals, and social p ...
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