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Vocational Qualification Transfer System in Public Health

The project “Vocational Qualification Transfer System in Public Health – VQTS-PH” contributes to the improvements in quality and innovation in VET systems, institutions and practices. The rationale behind the project is rooted in the existing problem for lack of transparency of qualifications and appropriate measures for its assurance at National/International level. Tackling the increased complexity of modern education, training and learning systems the project contributes to the promotion of the European Workspace concept through transparency of certificates, diplomas and qualifications; transferability of competences; accreditation and recognition.The main aim of the project is to transfer a relevant and innovative systemic procedure for assurance of international shift of vocational qualifications based on EQF principles and to create a broad multilingual e-platform for EU target audience. The VQTS-PH consortium, unified by the main project goal, is organized on the basis of different background of the partners. It includes 5 participants from 3 countries – AT, BG, TR and is composed by a University, a NGO, a Research Institute, a SME and a Consulting body. The process of “transfer of innovation” is facilitated by the associated members of the consortium - representatives of decision makers, VET professionals, and social partners.VQTS-PH project development resulted in the following outcomes:- Work out of general frame of documents certifying completed training and acquired competences in Public Health;- Establishment, development and maintenance of project e-portal: a multilanguage e-platform presenting project development and achievements; - Building up of Competence Matrix for structured description of the work-related competences in Public Health key areas and using it for generation and assembly of Institutional/Individual Competence Profiles of professionals from those key areas;- Issue of VQTS-PH mobility chart–a document depicting the preliminary, implementation and final phases of VQTS-PH mobility procedure;- Performance of VQTS-PH valorisation events: approbation sessions and workshops.The project impact envisaged contributes to EU VET system through enhancement of the quality of continuing education; introduction of a system for validation of qualifications awarded by non-formal/informal educational settings; improvement the qualifications transparency and recognition in LL context.



3 Participants partenaires