Rechercher des projets européens

29 projets européens trouvés

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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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Es are good, the SMEs are good : A CD-ROM-based learning tool and modules on heating, wood processing and eBusiness have been produced. These products are available on an eLearning portal and are supported by training manuals. A case study is also being undertaken for evaluation. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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Le but du projet est de transférer les résultats du projet Leonardo intitulé „Systèmes de gestion de la qualité pour des PME” qui a été mis en oeuvre entre 2002 et 2005. Le projet a élaboré une série d’outils d’apprentissage et de pratique pour acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour le développement d’un système d’assurance de la qualité en accord avec les standards ISO 9001:20 ...
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In summer 2008, major economic changes emerged in every part of counties of EU, which concerned every actor of the economy in a negative sense. The changes concerned every economic sector, moreover, a great number of experts seek solutions and exit from this crisis. Stress is getting a more and more important work−related risk, as new work organization is applied and as we are moving towards a kno ...
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Learning outside the framework of institutional education is coming increasingly into the perspective of educational policy. How do young people learn in contexts not designed for learning? What do they learn and can these skills and competencies be made visible? Acknowledgement and recognition of informal learning can help awaken motivation and interest in formal educational processes and make th ...
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Objectives:- develop a quality improvement culture in line with the VET-recommendations where teachers/trainers are active players;- transfer partners' proven Q culture instruments into other consortium organisations- connect management and teachers through the management brochure;- provide an approach with supporting products (instruments), that can be used by VET providers across the EU to impro ...
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Main Object:The main object is to transfer the created dissemination and awareness materials and previous projects in environmental issues by the partners involved in the project to an innovative and comprehensive training plan with a pedagogical methodology. It will include procedures, modules and materials capable of giving managers of SMEs, European skills and competencies required for the imp ...
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The aims of the project are: to transfer innovative training and train-the trainer courses in employment-support skills for personal employment advisors, to produce face-to-face, distance learning, and ICT based materials, to incorporate skills for disability employment guidance & case-management, to introduce Practice Standards for disability employment activities.
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Following new LLP through the past years there’s a rapid growing of VET networks throughout Europe, with a strong tendency to interlocking educational activities across organisations and sectors. Apparently this shift towards multilateral and transversal cooperation in VET calls for new and innovative approaches to joint decision making, shared planning, coordinated implementation and quality cont ...
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...n activities at European level and FUNDECYT from Extremadura, one of the disadvantaged areas of Europe. Fundecyt is the promoter of the two previous projects KNOWMAKERS and MENS. Other partners are: IDEC from Greece a consulting company, extert in quality management systems and leader of the project “Quality management systems training for SMEs”, Link from Germany a company expert in e-working and ...
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The Foundry Sector, with a long tradition and experience, but lacking innovation and with a great demand of manpower, does not have departments specialised in people management. It has special difficulties to create specialised tools and carry out an analysis of its specific needs enabling it to identify and develop its key competences to transfer them to the new workers, thus increasing its compe ...
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The proposal aims to educate farmers who have inherited their business from their families, as well young farmers, and provide the necessary training to convert them into successful SME entrepreneurs through the use of ICT technologies, traditional distance learning methodologies and mobile learning guidelines and solutions. The project results will include: training curricula for SME business and ...
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This language project intends to create free-to-use on-line vocabulary for the hotel and tourism industry in 20 European languages. It should serve students, teachers and workers in the tourism industry. Further outcome of the project will be a CDROM.
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To enhance skill levels and to improve the standards of food hygiene and safety in restaurants and similar retail establishments dealing with food, the HYGIREST project will develop a competency-based modular vocational training programme, to be delivered via a dedicated website, for owners, managers and employees in this sector. Following an initial assessment of the nature of skills gaps and the ...
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From Nature to Nurture : By compiling a multilingual database of technical terms used in environmental and earth sciences , this project aims to facilitate the work of researchers and decision-makers in that particular field. The dictionary takes cultural differences into account and provides a translation in 11 languages for each of the terms. This project started in 2002 and lasted 28 months.
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A local development, for locals : Training models have been drawn up, promoting sustainable processes in local development and providing a new profile for local development managers. These are available in a handbook and CD-ROM and supported by a website. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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Addressing local knowledge needs : The project has created a virtual platform and thematic laboratories for the production and exchange of information between the business, education and administration sectors. These products are the fruits of an analysis of training needs and existing knowledge supplies. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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The EMAS project aims to develop a training programme which will both stimulate and support implementation of the revised Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) which is considered to go beyond the most widely adopted ISO 14001 and is currently recommended under European regulation.A comprehensive partnership comprising twenty agencies from across Europe will develop a didactic training system to ...
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This project is based on an analysis of the difficulties faced by SMEs in gaining documentary certification for their quality systems. These difficulties arise out the complexity of the formulation of standards, the lack of competence of the staff responsible for quality management in SMEs and the fragmentation of the information and training market. The partnership proposes to develop a personali ...
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The project will provide new e-learning contents in the field of marketing on the European market. At the same time, the project is focused also on the creation of the adequate learning process (i.e. multimedia didactic tools employed in contents and modules). Not only a course in advanced marketing will be developed, but also a methodological concept. Cases studies related on international market ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Within this project an innovative system of e-learning will be developed on a web portal called "EGMDSS" which will be used to prepare for a test to acquire SRC, LRC, ROC in GOC certificates, for revising acquired knowledge and to test it on GDMSS communication equipment simulators. The proposed e-learning platform will be based on a model already developed (as a pilot) through other funds and on- ...
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NAVALTECH will identify, analyse and develop training material for jobs connected to the shipbuilding industry affected by the introduction of new technologies.The project will: identify the new technologies affecting employment in the sector; contribute to the process of transparency of qualifications; identify training needs related to the introduction of new technologies; develop an appropriat ...
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Integrated Computer Training is not always felt to be effective due to a lack of adaptation to a particular environment and/or user need. Given this obstacle, the project will design a computer supported educational platform to meet the requirements of different users, including both educators and trainees. The project's development of a 'metatool' will allow a variety of educators, including pare ...
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This is a M.E.N.S world : The project has produced training procedures, modules and materials which will prepare SME managers for the creation of networks of business cooperation, vital for the competitiveness of SMEs in today's global economy. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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Helping business to evaluate training : The project has developed a set of indicators, tools and a methodology which will allow companies of all sizes to evaluate the effectiveness of their staff training programmes. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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The EEDUSER project aims to create of portal of portals for e-learning that will itself offer e-learning training modules and training resources for e-learning network designers and managers. The project will further seek accreditation for a degree level integrated study programme in computer network technology.Initial activity will focus upon the development of a series of models for a pedagogica ...
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SAFE-DOCK aims to minimise work related risks to dockworkers working in the maritime goods transport sector through the improvement of continuous professional training regarding work safety, making full use of information and communications technologies (ICT).Objectives of the project include: evaluation and detection of work related risk for sector workers (by type of job); networking with releva ...
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The SIGN-IT-NOW project responds to the need of those employed in emergency and care services, to communicate with a growing number of hearing-impaired persons (up to 20% of the population in some countries). It aims to overcome barriers to training by developing the very first on-line training programme in sign languages specially geared to these services. Partner countries include popular touris ...
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