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MEKUS- Environmental Training and Educational Platform

Main Object:The main object is to transfer the created dissemination and awareness materials and previous projects in environmental issues by the partners involved in the project to an innovative and comprehensive training plan with a pedagogical methodology. It will include procedures, modules and materials capable of giving managers of SMEs, European skills and competencies required for the implementation of procedures related to environmental issues.Goals and principal objectives:The objective of the project is the training and education of managers of SME of Agro-industrial sector in environmental issues to cover their training needs. The training plan will include an innovative and comprehensive pedagogical methodology with training modules and the identification and analysis of a large variety of successful case studies. The training plan will allow the public objective to learn important questions to get the knowledge and understanding of the importance of environment and it will alleviate the lack of knowledge of professional and expertise in environmental issues in SMEs. It will be created an e-learning platform where it will be located the training material. Other specific objectives are:-Adapt and transfer the material existing in previous projects to a training plan, with corresponding materials that provide target group competencies and skills needed to act in a manner that respects the environment-Analysis of training needs, skills and competences of SME managers in environment issues-Analysis of the barriers to the application and implementation of measures that favor the environment and reduce the environmental impact of SMEs-Launch of a pilot training for SMEs managers in order to provide the training and education needed -Awareness of managers to the opportunities that the use of cleaner technologies and activities more respectful with the environment can provide- To disseminate the training results obtainedPartnership characteristics:The project will be developed by various European entities with experience in European projects offering a multidisciplinary and multicultural character that provides significant added value to the project. The project involves entities with different profiles, including experts on environmental issues and entities with experience in European training projects.Tangible and non-tangible results description:As a direct result there will be a complete training system located in an e-Learning platform, including procedures, modules and training materials, that is capable to provide European SMEs managers with the necessary know-how and information in environmental issues. As non-tangible results it is important to note the increasing of knowledge and awareness of SMEs in the environmental thematic to other groups, sectors, and regions not involved directly in the project. Expected project impact:The project will provide target groups the necessary training and education pedagogical methodology, both theoretical and practical in the environmental theme to be able to appreciate the environment problematic and the importance of its conservation in order to apply them in their organizations. Trainees are made aware of the importance and the need to strengthen efforts to promote the conservation of the environment in the business world, social and promote growth that leads to sustainable development. Apart from the training of managers of SMEs, other outcomes that are expected to achieve with this project are as follows:-Promote a society respectuous with environment at European, national and regional level-To make efforts to export, distribute and exchange experiences -To extend the training materials to others groups, sectors and regions-Investigate and promote activities businesses that serve the interests of Environment-Encourage dialogue and communication between companies, researchers, to accelerate knowledge on Environmental



6 Participants partenaires