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7 projets européens trouvés

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...obility that, on the basis of European policies on lifelong learning, must become an integral part of VET programs to enable learners to achieve high level qualifications, milestones for a successful inclusion in the labor market, for the development and improving of their career and to cope with the demands of companies of highly qualified staff.In line with the objectives of EU policies, through ...
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...have this cumulatively large percentage of our society offline going forward. Yet there is no way to reach them with our current model.Proposed is phase II of an effort to create a paradigm shift in eInclusion. Part I was the FP7 project Cloud4all for creating instant, ubiquitous auto-personalization of interfaces and materials based on user needs and preferences. Part II, Prosperity4all, focuses ...
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MOINHOS II – Formar para Inovar

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The Consortium MOINHOS was established in 2014 in order to participate in the Erasmus + by the following organisations: (1) Municipality of Torres Vedras, as leader of the Consortium, and vocational schools in the region, which assumed the role of sending entity: (2) Escola de Comércio e Serviços do Oeste (SEFO/ESCO), (3) Escola Profissional e Agrícola Fernando Barros Leal (EPAFBL), (4) Externato ...
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Empowerment in Social Utilities and Skills for Young

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017, an internship in selected companies in the social and social health, to acquire knowledge and skills within the sectors and compare the various professional techniques, and activities aimed at the inclusion and integration in the context and for the improvement of language skills and to better know the culture of the hosting country. The main expected results from the project include: the rise ...
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RISE tackled the barriers to employment faced by refugees by using a user sensitive development methodology that positioned our target audience as 'Design Partners' in the development of serious games to develop VET skills. The materials developed can: 1. Reduce skills gaps 2. Develop key competencies in Vocational Language Learning and pre-vocational skills gaps.3. Increase the numbers of refugee ...
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For people with intellectual disabilities, lifelong learning is not only about learning new skills, it is about being included in society, being able to represent themselves and being able to take control of their daily lives and their future. Adult education is especially important for this group of learners yet one of the main barriers is a lack of accessible adult training material. Bringing to ...
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People with intellectual/learning disabilities require constant re-training of skills. One ofthe main barriers for people with learning disabilities is the lack of accessible adulttraining and information material in easy-to-read/understand language. Some initialsteps have been taken by adult education providers, NGOs and companies to developmore material accessible for people with intellectual di ...
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