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3 projets européens trouvés

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Dezvoltare profesională prin conectare europeană

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Due to lack of student motivation for learning, ineffective and insufficient integration of pupils with SEN, difficulties of integrating children returned home from other European educational systems, teachers insufficient knowledge and use of strategies focusing on training skills for the students and use of ICT in teaching-learning-assessment as well as lack of connection to European education, ...
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Personalentwicklung 2020

Date du début: 26 juin 2014, Date de fin: 25 juin 2016,

Resulting from the school evaluation process which we experienced recently we want to improve our weaknesses by using our strong parts. As internationalisation was identified as being our field of excellence we think that European teachers training activities should be the proper response to this need. The weaknesses pointed out were seen in teamwork among staff schoolmanagement supporting studen ...
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...ts there are individual ones like a European House dress or European House song or videos on typical meals and videos/ppt promoting the country/region/the school.You can find our productsonwww.hellenstein-gymnasium.deoron www.etwinning.netThere are some public videos taken from some of our dissemination activities onyoutube ...
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