Rechercher des projets européens

Personalentwicklung 2020
Date du début: 26 juin 2014, Date de fin: 25 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Resulting from the school evaluation process which we experienced recently we want to improve our weaknesses by using our strong parts. As internationalisation was identified as being our field of excellence we think that European teachers training activities should be the proper response to this need. The weaknesses pointed out were seen in teamwork among staff schoolmanagement supporting students according to their individual needs alongside with social coherence in the class room use of ICT mainly in classes for foreign language So we would like to offer traing to the following group of teachers 3 teachers of foreign language to improve use of ICT and Smartboard in the classroom 2 teachers of music to attend an English language course combined with methods of intercultural training and inclusion 2 teachers to get training in how to support students to achieve their potential 2 members of the school board to improve their capacities in school management and quality development 2 teachers to get ready for offering internships abroad as a part of our individual support This project aims to develop our school towards 2020 strategy e.g. employability of our students, entrepreneurship, digital innovation (ICT) and quality in education so that our students will be able to take profit from the Single Market and develop active citizenship having in mind Europe´s global role and its responsability for balanced and sustainabel growth. The procedure starts with the learning activities of the staff. Each member involved will give a short but meaningful report within short term, then he/she will pilot the new methods. Once the practical use in our school will be evident, the new and proper concept will be agreed by the official authorities to be implemented in our school, -curriculum, - portfolio and in each person portfolio, too. In the end an overview over the whole learning mobility project will give evidence of the impact.

