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4 projets européens trouvés

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We have a particular interest in working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. We would like to exchange with youngsters from countries of the other culture area in order to develop tolerance and differences understanding. The main aims of this project are to gather a group of 30 young people, interested in theatre and art, to offer them possibility to built or write a play ab ...
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Street Art for Inclusion

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

The youth exchange “Street Art for Inclusion” is a project aimed at promoting active youth participation and European citizenship through using street art. It will involve 36 young people from 6 countries (Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, UK, Urakine). It will last 10 days. The youth exchange will cover the themes of social activism, inclusion of urban youth into active participation, active ci ...
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Magic Hands – Sharing Arts (East Edition)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

The youth exchange "Magic Hands - Sharing Arts (East Edition)" will take place in Sumy, Ukraine and last 9 days. The theme of the youth exchange is cultural diversity and cultural identity shown through different hand-made crafts promoting tolerance tolerance, mutual understanding and integration. The aim of the youth exchange is to share different types of local handmade introduced in the countr ...
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Europe after the End of the World

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

International youth Exchange “Europe after the End of the World” brings together 30 young people 18-25 y.o. from 6 countries (Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Norway, Azerbaijan and Romania). The project takes place in Sumy, Ukraine and lasts for 8 days. The main theme of the Exchange is an active and responsible citizenship which includes living in the peace with people around us (non-discrimination, to ...
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