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3 projets européens trouvés

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The project area is relatively distant from the socio-economic centers. The other problems are low economic activity of the inhabitants and the dominance of agriculture and forestry, reflecting the low competitiveness of the area. Development of the transport infrastructure in the Augustow Channel area would be useful to improve the situation. ...
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Development of eco-tourism in Lithuania-Poland borderline area (EKOTURISM)

Date du début: 31 août 2010, Date de fin: 30 août 2013,

Being the nearest cross-border neighbours, Płaska commune office and Lazdijai district Municipality aim to cooperate. One of the cross-border cooperation fields is cooperation in the field of development of the joint tourism, in particular ecological, and development of activities to promote environmental, recreational and cultural tourism in the border region. Possibility to solve jointly issues ...
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...safeguard Lithuania’s and Poland’s natural environmental resources by reducing pollution in the river Nemunas basin. The main target group of the project were people living in the rural areas of Gmina Płaska and Lazdijai district municipality. Achievements: The main o ...
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