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Development of the transport infrastructure in the.. (IPBU.01.03.00-20-008..)
Development of the transport infrastructure in the area of Augustow Channel
Date du début: 11 juil. 2012,
Date de fin: 10 janv. 2014
The project area is relatively distant from the socio-economic centers. The other problems are low economic activity of the inhabitants and the dominance of agriculture and forestry, reflecting the low competitiveness of the area. Development of the transport infrastructure in the Augustow Channel area would be useful to improve the situation. Expected Results: The project combined infrastructure investments and the harmonization of investment policies in the transport sector around the Augustow Chanel in order to create instruments of cross-border flow of information and ideas development, as well as joint solutions in transport issues.The main assumptions of the project concern realization of the investments such as reconstruction of road H-6049 Racicy-Hinavicy-Polnyja Bahatyry (Belarus) and rebuilding the transportation system of 12 local roads within Plaska Commune (Poland).
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Consulate General of Poland in Grodno, vulica Budzionnaha 48а, Grodno 230023, Belarus
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