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5 projets européens trouvés

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Background Zinc mines are rapidly depleting throughout the world. In the EU, the situation is even more problematic, as almost all Member States (with the exception of Ireland) rely on imports. At the same time, zinc waste represents a real environmental problem due to its progressive loss in the hot zinc-coating process, where molten zinc alloys are used ...
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Background Metal chips of light alloys – such as aluminium (Al) and titanium (Ti) alloys – are a common industrial waste product. Recycling these chips brings economic and environmental benefits through the reuse of metal resources. However, recycling is difficult because the chips are heavily contaminated by the lubricant/coolant used during process ...
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New eco-process of superficial treatment of the metal wire products (MDPATC)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2013,

Background Manufacturing of wire-rod products can have a high environmental impact because of the use of large quantities of water and acids, and the energy-intensive operations and emissions associated with the process of producing thick zinc coatings using hot-dip equipment. Objectives ...
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Background Metal galvanising systems produce emissions and hazardous waste. Emissions into the atmosphere can be as high as 1 000 m3/tonnes of fumes from a galvanising bath, which contains ammonia, hydrochloric acid, zinc dusts and zinc alloying elements. Other emissions and waste sources also occur throughout galvanising process. ...
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Background Wire rod is produced by the steel industry for a variety of important uses including wire rope, barbed wire, mesh, springs and nails. It may be galvanized or plastic-coated to prevent corrosion. During the manufacturing process, steel alloy is hot-rolled and its surface then chemically treated through a technique known as pickling, to remove t ...
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