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New decisive and clean technology for the long storage of the metallic wires (Ultra Crash Treatment)
Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Background Metal galvanising systems produce emissions and hazardous waste. Emissions into the atmosphere can be as high as 1 000 m3/tonnes of fumes from a galvanising bath, which contains ammonia, hydrochloric acid, zinc dusts and zinc alloying elements. Other emissions and waste sources also occur throughout galvanising process. Objectives The main objective of the project is to minimise all environmental problems related to hot galvanising processes of steel wire rods. This will be achieved by demonstrating the suitability of replacing a hot galvanising process with a new technology based on cold spray galvanising of dusts. The new process will be carried out at room temperature and so reduce energy costs associated with conventional liquid metal pickling. It will also improve access for checking product quality standards during the galvanising process, and make it easier to collect waste materials for recycling. Optimisation of the new cold spray galvanising process will require improvements to the quality of the wire surface, and hence the project will also introduce a new ceramic micro--peening process. Expected results: Cold spray galvanising reduces or eliminates the main environmental impacts of hot-dip galvanising. In particular: (i) energy consumption is reduced to some 130 000 kcal/tonne; (ii) water consumption is reduced to zero; (iii) use of hazardous substances is eliminated; (iv) production of waste is eliminated; (v) emissions of fumes into the atmosphere are eliminated; Zinc consumption will be reduced by an estimated 35%, which will lower overall costs since Zinc is the main cost in the galvanising process; Energy consumption will be lowered by 50% as result of the ceramic micro-peening process; The use of ceramic shots for the preparation of the wire rod and the wire will lead to (i) increased efficiency of the oxide removal system and less roughness - from >5μm to


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