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4 projets européens trouvés

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Forms for: Adapting to Climate Change through Territorial Strategies! (F:ACTS!)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

F:ACTS! means ‘Forms for: Adapting to Climate change through Territorial Strategies’. Climate change and its predictable effects in terms of natural hazards offer a big challenge for policy makers at regional and local level that deal with integrated territorial approaches. The big gap between the increasing body of scientific research and the concrete and necessary preparation at regional and loc ...
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Background Forests cover about 30% of Europe, providing high value concerning: biodiversity; carbon sequestration; soil and water protection; and the economic contribution of goods and services. However, climate change, air pollution and changes in land use are threatening the health, stability and sustainability of forests and their values. On top of th ...
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This project gives priority to consumers' demand and right for high quality and safe food: in the frame of the project an integrated vocational training material on food safety, on EU regulations and on total quality management in the whole food chain will be created, and transferred into an e-learning environment. The results will be available in the languages of the partner countries. The target ...
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Restaurants and school canteens are small places that serves many people. These enterprises are inadequate in food safety and hygiene issues due to that overnumbered small business and their incapable controls. An effective food safety and hygiene education are needed at EU level in restaurants and school canteens in consequence of people from all walks and especially for children who covers the l ...
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