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The European network for observing our changing planet (ERA-PLANET)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2021,

In the last decade a significant number of projects and programmes in different domains of environmental monitoring and Earth observation have generated a substantial amount of data and knowledge on different aspects related to environmental quality and sustainability. Big data generated by in-situ or satellite platforms are being collected and archived with a plethora of systems and instruments m ...
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ACCELERATing Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures (ACCELERATE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020,

CERIC-ERIC (CERIC) is a distributed research infrastructure for fundamental and applied research on novel materials and biomaterials. The RI has been in operation for 2 years and provides open access to a broad range of instruments and expertise across research communities, in order to support the research community world-wide in tackling the most challenging problems of materials research. The A ...
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European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020,

Within the European Research Area (ERA), the ERA4CS Consortium is aiming to boost, research for Climate Services (CS), including climate adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management, allowing regions, cities and key economic sectors to develop opportunities and strengthen Europe’s leadership. CS are seen by this consortium as driven by user demands to provide knowledge to face impacts of cl ...
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European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 (ECOMS2)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2020,

The ECOMS2 Action will coordinate and support Europe’s knowledge base to enable better management of climate-related risks and opportunities thereby creating greater social and economic value. ECOMS2 has 4 main objectives:1. Develop a European framework for Earth-system modelling and climate service activities. The framework will be built around a managed network of European, national and internat ...
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CLean INland SHipping (LIFE CLINSH)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2020,

Background Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) causes considerable emissions of the air pollutants NOx and PM10. Many European regions are struggling to tackle air quality problems, though the often expensive measures implemented to meet air quality limit values are mainly directed at industry and road transport. However, it is increasingly recognised that in ...
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The main goal of the LORCENIS project is to develop long reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures with lifetime extended up to a 100% under extreme operating conditions. The concept is based on an optimal combination of novel technologies involving customized methodologies for cost-efficient operation. 4 scenarios of severe operating conditions are considered:1. Concrete infrastructure in d ...
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DANUBIUS-PP is a three-year project to raise DANUBIUS-RI (International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems) to the legal, financial and technical maturity required for successful implementation and development. DANUBIUS-RI is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure (RI) building on existing expertise to support interdisciplinary research on river-sea (RS) systems, spanning ...
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NAture Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstration (NAIAD)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2019,

NAIAD aims to operationalise the insurance value of ecosystems to reduce the human and economic cost of risks associated with water (floods and drought) by developing and testing - with key insurers and municipalities - the concepts, tools, applications and instruments (business models) necessary for its mainstreaming. We will do this in detail for 8 demonstration sites (DEMOs) throughout Europe a ...
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The CEASELESS project will demonstrate how the new Sentinel measurements can support the development of a coastal dimension in Copernicus by providing an unprecedented level of resolution/ accuracy/continuity with respect to present products. The retrieval and validation for restricted domains and for an enlarged set of combined variables (user oriented) will be the basis to advance the state of t ...
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Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine (LASIMM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

The LASIMM project aim is to develop a large scale flexible hybrid additive/subtractive machine based on a modular architecture which is easily scalable. The machine will feature capabilities for additive manufacture, machining, cold-work, metrology and inspection that will provide the optimum solution for the hybrid manufacturing of large engineering parts of high integrity, with cost benefits of ...
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Today’s society is being transformed by new materials and processes. Analytical techniques underpin their development and neutrons, with their unique properties, play a pivotal role in a multi-disciplinary, knowledge-based approach. Industry and the neutron research community must however work together more closely to enhance their innovation potential.Neutrons are only available at large scale fa ...
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IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes (IMPREX)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremesFor a better anticipation on future high impact hydrological extremes disrupting safety of citizens, agricultural production, transportation, energy production and urban water supply, and overall economic productivity, prediction and foresighting capabilities and their intake in these strategic sectors need to be improved. IMPREX will im ...
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European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC-CSA)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

The aim of the EMMC-CSA is to establish current and forward looking complementary activities necessary to bring the field of materials modelling closer to the demands of manufacturers (both small and large enterprises) in Europe. The ultimate goal is that materials modelling and simulation will become an integral part of product life cycle management in European industry, thereby making a strong c ...
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The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean with significant resources and services for mankind.JERICO-NEXT (33 organizations from 15 countries) emphasizes that the complexity of the coastal ocean cannot be well understood if interconnection between physics, biogeochemistry and biology is not guaranteed. Such an integration requires new technological developm ...
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TUneable Multiferroics based on oxygen OCtahedral Structures (TUMOCS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The main objective of the project is development of new lead-free multiferroic materialshe for prospective application in forms of films and/or arranged layers in which the cross-coupling (magnetic-dipolar-elastic) can be tuned by both internal and external factors. This objective is to be achieved through preparation, investigation, and optimization of two kinds of Bi-containing oxygen-octahedra ...
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The proposal aims to develop an innovative approach to impart sensing functionality and detect substrate degradation. The degradation processes targeted will be corrosion of metallic substrates and mechanical damage by impact on fibre reinforced plastics and composites (FRP), used as structural components in the vehicle industry worldwide.The innovative sensing materials are based on controlled re ...
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The main objective of the proposal is development of active multi-functional surfaces with high level of self-healing ability on the basis of Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) structures formed on different industrially relevant metallic substrates. The main idea of the project is based on “smart” triggered release on demand for functional organic or inorganic anionic compounds intercalated into inte ...
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The objective of the EnviGuard project is to develop a highly specific and precise (i.e. quantitative and qualitative) in situ measurement device for currently hard to measure man-made chemical contaminants and biohazards (toxic microalgae, viruses & bacteria, biotoxins & PCBs) that can be used as an early warning system in aquaculture and as an environmental monitor to assess the good environment ...
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MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory (MARCO)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

Climate‐related tools, products, data and services may greatly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, current strategies face knowledge gaps, lack of visibility of climate services, and low awareness of key potential customers for using key information and the associated economic benefits. This reality triggers the need and potential for developing a global market for cli ...
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European Market for Climate Services (EU-MACS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

The project analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis is grounded in economic and political science theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed. The consortium offers a good cross-section of representat ...
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This CREMLIN proposal is to foster scientific cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the development and scientific exploitation of large-scale research infrastructures. It has been triggered by the recent so-called megascience projects initiative launched by and in the Russian Federation which is now very actively seeking European integration. The proposed megascienc ...
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World air traffic volume is expected to grow per 2 in the next 15 years and that is the reason why reduction of air transport contribution to climate change is nowadays one of the most important objectives for aircraft manufacturers. The reduction of environmental impact requires a continuous improvement in aircraft efficiency, which depends on the use of lightweight structures and efficient aerod ...
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Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices (MAGPLANT)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The MAGPLANT project is intended to provide a major breakthrough towards the fabrication and application of bioresorbable Mg-alloy implants, which have the remarkable potential of accelerating bone healing while transferring the body’s mechanical load from the implant to the regenerating bone, as the Mg-alloy progressively degrades, thereby avoiding multiple surgical interventions. Moreover Mg is ...
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Active PROtection of multi-material assemblies for AIRcrafts (PROAIR)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

"The proposal is devoted to development of the novel active corrosion protection systems for multi-material combinations used in the aircraft design. The development of such new approaches is only possible via deep mechanistic investigation of the degradation processes in confined environments formed at multi-material joints. The second essential stage is finding the synergistic inhibiting combina ...
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Approximately 42% of infants’ mortality in the world is related to congenital heart defects (prevalence: 8-12/1000 births). Over 1/3 require the reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) by surgical procedures which currently use inert materials without any growth potential. Consequently, multiple reoperations are often required, with their attendant high risk of mortality and m ...
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Finding novel solutions for energy storage is of high societal relevance, since it is a prerequisite for the turnaround from fossil fuels and nuclear power to energy from renewable sources, since these sources mostly are intermittent. Also for providing an ecological friendly mobility, high capacity energy storage solutions are urgently needed. Well trained experts in energy storage are a prerequi ...
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As stated by the marine research decision makers in Europe in the “Ostend Declaration” in 2010, a major challenge is to support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System. This will be achieved with more long-term measurements of key parameters but is impaired by the costs and lack of reliability of ocean sensors in general. The NeXOS project aims ...
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Proposal for a multi-partner ITN (“ARAMACC”: Annually Resolved Archives of MArine Climate Change) based around the newly emerging field of molluscan sclerochronology/climatology. ARAMACC is a network of eight Full Participants and three Associated Partners. Training will be provided to ten ESRs and one ER.ARAMACC science will consist of four work packages, which will address (1) the construction o ...
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EUropean CLimate and weather Events: Interpretation and Attribution (EUCLEIA)

Date du début: 13 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2017,

Climate change is expected to impact extreme weather in Europe. There is therefore a clear need to adapt effectively to climate change, particularly in Europe, where recent heatwaves, floods and droughts have demonstrated the vulnerability of European citizens to extreme weather. However, scientifically robust information about the extent to which recent extreme weather can be linked to climate va ...
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... Research (CSIR); and three European Partners: the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH), Portugal; the Climate Service Centre (CSC) of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany; Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Netherlands; and University of Bergen, Norway (UiB).
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Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC) (CLIPC)

Date du début: 11 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2016,

CLIPC will provide access to climate information of direct relevance to a wide variety of users, from scientists to policy makers and private sector decision makers. Information will include data from satellite and in-situ observations, climate models and re-analyses, transformed data products to enable impacts assessments and climate change impact indicators. The platform will complement existing ...
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The main goal of the ENHANCE project is to develop and analyse new ways to enhance society’s resilience to catastrophic natural hazard impacts, by providing new scenarios and information in selected hazard cases in close collaboration with stakeholders, and by contributing to the development of new multi-sector partnerships (MSPs) to reduce or redistribute risk. Innovation in MSPs is essential, a ...
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"Coastal areas concentrate vulnerability to climate change due to high levels of population, economic activity and ecological values. Because of that RISES-AM- addresses the economy-wide impacts of coastal systems to various types of high-end climatic scenarios (including marine and riverine variables). It encompasses analyses from global to local scales across the full range of RCPs and SSPs. It ...
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The ExoMet proposal revolves around innovative liquid metal engineering and the application of external physical fields, in order to significantly influence the microstructures and properties of light alloys, such as aluminium and magnesium. Three types of external fields will be explored, namely: electromagnetic, ultrasonic and intensive mechanical shearing.To meet the future EU challenges of lig ...
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Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Integrated Initiative (NMI3-II)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

"Advanced solutions to the challenges that confront our technology-based society – from energy and environment to health – are crucially dependent on advanced knowledge of material properties down to the atomic scale. Neutron and Muon spectroscopy offer unique analytical tools for material investigation. They are thus an indispensible building block of the European Research Area and directly addre ...
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The FUNCTIONAL project is aimed to achieve the strengthening cooperation between the European Union with third countries such as Brazil and Mexico in order to transfer knowledge in the development of functional and high-performance nanostructured surfaces. Therefore, the networking RTD activities among the four partners involved will strengthen the International dimension of the European Research ...
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Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The overall goal of the proposed project is to develop a coordinated global observation system for mercury able to provide temporal and spatial distributions of mercury concentrations in ambient air and precipitation over land and over surface waters at different altitudes and latitudes around the world. This will then provide high quality data for the validation and application of regional and g ...
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Tailored biodegradable magnesium implant materials (MagnIM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Cost reduction and improvement of the quality of life is a major issue in health care. This challenge can be tackled by intelligent biomaterials and smart implants which are resorbed by the body upon remodelling of the tissue: What is possible for polymer materials should also be realized for biodegradable metallic materials. MagnIM will train 12 ESRs to contribute to this demanding aims by the de ...
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Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming (IMPACT2C)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Political discussions on the European goal to limit global warming to 2°C demands that discussions are informed by the best available science on projected impacts and possible benefits. IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies climate change impacts, and adopts a clear and logical structure, with climate and impacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs, as well as potential respons ...
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"BOR4STORE proposes an integrated, multidisciplinary approach for the development and testing of novel, optimised and cost-efficient boron hydride based H2 storage materials with superior performance (capacity more than 8 wt.% and 80 kg H2/m^3) for specific fuel cell applications.Building on the results of past and ongoing EC funded projects on H2 storage, BOR4STORE aspires to tackle the S&T chall ...
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