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Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Integrated Initiative (NMI3-II)
Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Advanced solutions to the challenges that confront our technology-based society – from energy and environment to health – are crucially dependent on advanced knowledge of material properties down to the atomic scale. Neutron and Muon spectroscopy offer unique analytical tools for material investigation. They are thus an indispensible building block of the European Research Area and directly address the objectives of the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative. The knowledge creation via neutron and muon spectroscopy relies on the performance of a closely interdependent eco-system comprising large-scale facilities and academic and industrial users.The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) aims at a pan-European integration of the main actors within this eco-system. The NMI3 coordination effort will render public investment more efficient by harmonizing and reinforcing the services provided to the user community. It will thus directly contribute to maintaining Europe’s world-leading position.NMI3 is a comprehensive consortium of 18 partners from 11 different countries that includes all major providers of neutrons and muons in Europe. NMI3 exploits all tools available within I3s to realize its objectives.- Transnational Open Access will build further capacity for European users. It will foster mobility and improve the overall creation of scientific knowledge by providing the best researchers with the opportunity to use the most adapted infrastructures.- Joint Research activities will create synergies in innovative instrument development that will feed directly into improved and more efficient provision of services to the users.- Networking activities will reinforce integration by harmonizing procedures, setting standards and disseminating knowledge. Particular attention is given to train young people via the European Neutron and Muon School as well as through an e-learning platform."



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