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3 projets européens trouvés

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Air Transport Network – Next Generation (AIRTN-NEXTGEN)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

...of networking and communication between national organisations and governmental institutions supporting research and innovation in the EU Member States and Associated Countries to the EU Framework Programme in the field of Aviation (e.g. Aeronautics and Air Transport - AAT).The successful activities started in previous AirTN will be continued and improved - coordinated calls among MS, European tra ...
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Canadian Networking Aeronautics Project for Europe (CANNAPE)

Date du début: 1 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013, CANNAPE’s successes and impact assessment will be based on:• Success in bringing about increased networking and partnering in the aeronautics R&D community, measured by determining the greater extent of FP7 consortium arrangements, and range and number of EU partner organisations with which Canada collaborate;• Involvement of key Canadian organisations who can assist with Canadian engagement ...
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Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services (COSMOS)

Date du début: 1 juin 2008, Date de fin: 31 mars 2012,

...laborate and conduct training courses for the NCP staff, gather and provide up-to-date information on Space and neighbouring topics and develop common concepts to raise awareness for the FP7 Space programme and the Space NCPs. Thus a more balanced high quality NCP service will be ensured for the benefit of new and experienced FP7 applicants."
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