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24 projets européens trouvés

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Generating Added value, Innovation and Networking for EVS

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The acronym GAIN EVS means that through this project, we aim at Generating Added value, Innovation and Networking for EVS. Many youth organizations are facing the challenge of keeping the assessment of needs of the community, and the planning and implementation of EVS activities connected with them, up to date and relevant for the times in which we are living. Often there is a broken bridge in the ...
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Atalanta is TransnAtionaL Accelerator NeTworks Acceleration (ATALANTA)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

The overall objective is to drive innovation, facilitate technology transfer and to support entrepreneurship on a transnational European level to contribute to the exploitation of more innovative products and services coming from European 36R&D projects and to support the creation of more successful ICT start-ups in Europe. This overall objective will be achieved through actions and events organis ...
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Name of the project: InFormal - Integration of non-formal education approach to the formal education system for youth empowerment at local level; Long-term training course Dates and Venues: - Activity 1 - Basic Course: 8th - 16th September 2015 in Rostov Velikiy, Russia - Homework phase: Testing skills gained in field between the trainings with help of an online e-learning course (Accessible on ht ...
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Enterpreneurship as a way to struggle with youth unemployment

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

Project "Enterpreneurship as a way to struggle with youth unemployment " is training in Key 1 for the creation and implementation of projects in the Erasmus program + abour fighting against unemployment. The training will be attended by 30 participants from 10 countries. It will be held in Warsaw on : February 2 - February 8th 2015 .. The project aims to equip participants with knowledge of youth ...
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The EC has recently published the Proposal for a Regulation on Union guidelines for the development of the trans - European transport network -COM (2011) 650/2, that defines the long term strategy for the Ten-T policy up to 2030/2050 and proposes Corridors relevant for the SEE area. By creating a multilevel formed by Transport Ministries, Regions, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, transport stak ...
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The overall objective of the project is to stimulate and integrate the industrial design sector in terms of education and labour markets within the South Baltic Region (SBR) through conduction of joint activities devoted to transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices. The SBR industrial design sector is dominated by small and medium sized companies with a high creativity potential and lit ...
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Innovation is a key driver of Europe's competitiveness and growth. However, young and innovative SMEs face bottlenecks when trying to grow. They are disadvantaged when it comes to attracting external financing if they cannot find equity since they do not usually have the track-record or collateral often required by financial intermediaries and banks. In today?s competitive markets, the use and pro ...
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Mechanism for fostering innovation in South East Europe (FINNO)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014,

SEE countries elaborate and implement the innovation policies with various level of effectiveness. There is a lack of cooperation, capacity and common understanding of innovation performance, policies and supporting instruments in the region. The aim of the FINNO project is to contribute to better productivity and achieve more comparable level of innovativeness between countries in SEE region. The ...
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Worldwide, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is growing faster than any other age group: this demographic change represents a challenge that needs to be met at transnational level, having a strong impact in the social and health services and in the labour market. The change of economic position of older people within the knowledge economy demands an innovative policy approach strengthening ...
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Somogy Virovitica-Podravina Strategic Economic Co-operation (SOVISEC)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2013,

The elaboration of a join regional economic cooperation strategy is the main activity of the project, which will be realised through several workshops and in close cooperation with all the stakeholders in the region. The strategy, intended for the 2013-2020 period, will present economic cooperation as a development model and ultimately may lead to an overall increase in the economic activity in th ...
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Within global competition cities need to win investors and create more and better jobs. The exploitation of creative industries, which have high, but often unrecognised potentials, contributes to the fulfillment of the Lisbon objectives on local levels. The challenges for creative industry actors are high (low capital endowment, poor networking, low external visibility), though they do not have en ...
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Connecting the territory through the innovation network (INOLINK)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The INOLINK project focuses on regional policies and practices for the diffusion of innovation. It tackles the issue of innovation activities being usually concentrated on a limited number of innovative firms, typically concentrated in some geographical areas, while most of the European firms, generally SMEs, never undertake innovation. The overall objective of the INOLINK project is improving the ...
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Inter-regional cooperation for valorisation of research results (INTERVALUE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2012,

INTERVALUE is rooted to the Digital Research Centre (DRC) of Central Macedonia aiming to contribute in the exploitation of academic research and other projects which has set the basis for its European expansions. We have experienced that cooperation between R&D supply and demand is quite a dynamic process stimulated by the current trends in business and the academia. Any long term concentration in ...
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From Army To Entrepreneurship (F.A.T.E.)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

The project aims at developing economic growth and diversification,through specific measures to support the conversion of military brownfields into Business Support Centres (BSC) or Incubators (BI) in regions,where the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of innovative firms represent pivotal assets for the local economy and where the rehabilitation of military brownfields is a pri ...
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Whereas many West European conurbations are already efficient promoters of regional economic development for their surroundings, such "lighthouse functions" of city regions still have to be established in the CADSES area. CITYREGIO II bundles six second-order cities and their respective regional partners or national regional development authorities - depending on the national distribution of compe ...
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sm@rt region (Smart Region)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2005, Date de fin: 30 mars 2008,

The Sm@rt Region project aims at strengthening co-operation potentials between regional development units and their work environment in the regions involved in the project. The intensified co-operation should foster spatial integration. This will be achieved by applying a Knowledge and Information Manager (KIM) model which will be developed after an intensive analysis and survey of the participati ...
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Baltic Metropolises Innovation Strategy (BaltMet Inno)

Date du début: 2 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2008,

BaltMet Inno Project was initiated by the major cities in the Baltic Sea Region. The project consortium consists of thirteen partner organisations from Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Malmö, Riga, Stockholm, St. Petersburg and Tallinn. In addition, organisations from Oslo, Warsaw and Vilnius participate in the project as observers. The project was started in the beginning of 2005 and will be finalis ...
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Industrial Cluster Development (INCLUD)

Date du début: 30 nov. 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2004,

According to EU countries experience, the clustering model of production organization is a strong impulse to stimulate innovation as well as SMEs enhancement, seen as a way to overcome in a limited time problems arising from the necessity of the non EU countries in the present transition period to deal with the challenge of international competition and globalisation. A second point, not less impo ...
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CO-EFFICIENT is aiming to advance innovation and already available technologies for energy efficiency and use of renewable resources, in operations and production processes of Mediterranean SMEs. The project consortium believes that there are important organisational, financial and technological obstacles, which impede the advancement of SMEs. Especially if compared to large companies, SMEs are ge ...
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The recent economic crisis is unprecedented in our generation. The constant progress in economic growth and job creation recorded during the last decade has disappeared in most EU countries. According to Agenda 2020, one of the pillars for the future of the EU is based on the creation of inclusive growth, which is building an economy with a high level of employment that result in economic, social ...
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Increasing cooperation between enterprises and VET is highlighted in various EU and national policies. The most of the VET organisations are involved in this cooperation, however, they have focused mostly on operating with larger companies. Small and micro enterprises are not properly involved in this cooperation nor benefiting from it, even though approx. 91% of companies in EU can be classified ...
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The project has supported and encouraged the cooperation between small and medium enterprises in Bulgaria and Macedonia in the field of tourism in the border region of Gevgelija - Gotse Delchev. Capacities and skills of the workforce in the tourism sector have increased through training organized by both parties with the participation of small and medium enterprises from both countries. Based on t ...
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The tourism is a rapidly growing sector in Europe, the largest employer among all touristic activities, and makes a vital contribution to the economies of communities.The overall objective of the project was to enable young male working in the tourist sector with particular “foreign language learning resistance” to establish their “enjoying language” by increasing their interest and uptake of fore ...
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The proposal aimed towards the development of an assessment system for for teachers/trainers, and other working with unemployed people and in particular with the aim to evaluate and accredit non-formal and informal education and training (knowledge, skills and competencies they have acquired through their experience).In the past years, social skills are more and more important to employers all ov ...
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