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21 projets européens trouvés

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‘Massive Open Online Courses’ (MOOCs) caused a major impact on HEIs worldwide. Business models, target groups, quality standards, certification, sustainability, teaching, delivery & learning methods are all affected. Europe is yet to respond to these emerging trends. Initiatives in the EU exist, but remain isolated, both geographically and per sector. They lack impact on the HEI area as a whole, a ...
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GameHub: University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

The wider objective of the GameHub project is to ensure employability and self-sustainability of HEI graduates, unemployed engineers as well as veterans of Anti-Terror Operation (ATO) in Ukraine by equipping them with knowledge and skills demanded by digital game industry (GI) - a highly networked global impact economy. GI strongly based on online work approach allows one to develop a highly techn ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Game Jams have been organised for several years around the world and are a powerful instrument to stimulate innovation in the creation, development and deployment of educational games. Game Jam events are typically organised for 48 hours and simultaneously conducted in various locations. They offer the possibility to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes wh ...
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Flexible Large Area Sensors for Highly Enhanced Displays (FLASHED)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

We have seen a large rise of novel and user-friendly interfaces that move beyond the paradigm of mouse and keyboard for input. Multi-touch screens are now the de-facto standard in mobile devices such as phones and tablets. This rise in adoption of such natural user interfaces shows there is a great deal of user demand for simpler ways of navigating information and content, where the computer inte ...
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Following the Green Car Initiative (GCI) included in the European Economic Recovery Plan there is a high demand for electrification of transport in Europe.There are currently several concepts for FEV (fully electric vehicle) and HEV (hybrid electric vehicle) that support this “electro mobility” demand. The development and improvement of the different concepts require a huge effort in analysis, des ...
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MASELTOV recognises the major risks for social exclusion of immigrants from the European information society and identifies the huge potential of mobile services for promoting integration and cultural diversity in Europe. Mobile – everywhere/everytime - persuasive assistance is crucial for more efficient and sustainable support of immigrants. MASELTOV researches and develops novel ICT instruments ...
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The SOLUTION project mobilises public / private resources to build showcases of energy self sufficient communities in Austria, Croatia, Finland and Switzerland (together with the associated Slovenian community) with a strong potential for replication throughout Europe. SOLUTION is designed to respond to the needs of an effective take-off of the European SET-plan by demonstrating novel applications ...
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Enhancing interconnectivity through infoconnectivity (IC-IC)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 31 mai 2014,

"Enhancing interconnectivity of short & long distance transport networks through passenger focused interlinked information-connectivityIC-IC will develop an ICS (InfoConnectivity System), involving the airports of Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris & Vienna, related ground transport & airlines, representing both short- & long-distance transport. Many stakeholders will get involved in a Stakeholders Forum ...
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The overall objective is to develop sustainable drive train topologies including control concepts for inherently safe electric vehicle power-train. The project focuses on significant steps ahead in terms of: 1. Development of smart electrical power-train concepts comprising high efficiency torque dense motors fully integrated with power converters and storage systems for modularity, compactness re ...
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"The objective of POLLUX is to develop a distributed real time embedded systems platform for next generation electric vehicles, by using a component and programming-based design methodology. Reference designs and embedded systems architectures for high efficiency innovative mechatronics systems will be addressed with regard to requirements on composability, networking, security, robustness, diagno ...
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Energy Efficient Vehicles for Road Transport (EE-VERT)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juin 2012,

"Road transport is the second largest EU producer of CO2, one of the greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. While some improvements in efficiency of road vehicles have been achieved, continued growth in traffic and congestion mean that CO2 emissions from road transport have grown overall. At the same time rising fuel prices and supply instability also give pressure for increased efficien ...
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E3Car -> Nanoelectronics for an energy efficient electrical car (E3CAR)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2009, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2012,

The objective of the project is the development of nanoelectronics technologies, devices, circuits architectures and modules for electrical cars/vehicles and demonstration of these modules in a final systems.Emissions from road vehicles have to be reduced substantially in the future. The ultimate goal of most car manufacturers is to get to a completely electric vehicle, protecting the environment ...
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GADGET is in line with the Erasmus objective of reinforcing "the contribution of higher education and advanced vocational training to the process of innovation". Echoing this, GADGET's overall objective is to conduct a pilot action in 3 countries for good practice for industry needs, training and exploitation of results in enviromental and energy industries. The consortium has chosen this particul ...
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Date du début: 1 févr. 2012,

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Member states, to a greater or lesser extent, have been experimenting for some time with the development of flexible learning pathways including models of Work Based Learning (WBL), accredited prior learning and accredited experiential learning. It has recently become an important theme in the development of approaches to ensure that HE provides work/practice relevant learning. It figures strongly ...
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On European level yearly thousands of healthy businesses and with it hundred thousand jobs disappear from the market since the business succession is not regulated. Statistically approximately 610,000 small- and medium sized businesses with approximately 2.4 million employees will be affected by it within the next 10 years. From the business- and economic sight many of these businesses are indeed ...
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The project addresses training needs in the health and wellness tourism sector at European level. The main aim of the project is to develop an innovative, internationally competitive training curriculum, which would be used both to obtain professional qualification and to upgrade the already existing knowledge of people working in that field. Another objective is to establish a coherent and transp ...
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The background of this project is the tendency of increasing foreign trade in the European countries. Imagining the last expansion of the European Union, new countries joined leading to the opening of new markets. Foreign trade is necessary for being a successful economic nation. Competition is constantly more severe and increasing. The European economies to a large extent consist of small and med ...
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On European level yearly thousands of healthy businesses and with it hundred thousand jobs disappear from the market since the business succession is not regulated. Statistically approximately 610,000 small- and medium sized businesses with approximately 2.4 million employees will be affected by it within the next 10 years. From the business- and economic sight many of these businesses are indeed ...
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The "Leverage knowledge for sustainable innovation and growth" (LEGEND) project, as its MAIN OBJECTIVE, was supposed to contribute to increased use of knowledge by Slovak small and medium-sized companies in order to enhance their sustainable growth and innovation. In addition, the project SPECIFICALLY focused on transferring the intellectual capital methodology applicable to SMEs and their partner ...
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In the short term the results of the project particularly increased the know-how of consultants to further upgrade their own competencies and the competencies of their clients (SMEs) for their internationalization activities. In the long run added value will occur for the whole European economy, because the competitiveness of enterprises, communities and regions will increase in an international c ...
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