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6 projets européens trouvés

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In the past, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) success has been achieved primarily though equipment of the vehicle and infrastructure. The focus of these ITS has been on clean, safe and efficient mobility for vehicles.The Vulnerable Road User (VRU) has reaped fewer benefits of the ITS developments. While some projects have considered VRUs from a safety viewpoint, they often aimed to avoid or mit ...
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DECOMOBIL will take advantage of the structured research network set up in HUMANIST NoE and followed up in HUMANIST VCE, in order to develop and widely disseminate knowledge in the area of human centred design of ICT for sustainable transport. Expected impacts of DECOMOBIL are: widening the market for ICT based mobility and transport services by contributing to the development and the widespread o ...
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Drivers' behavioural adaptation over the time in response to ADAS use (ADAPTATION)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2013,

The objective of ADAPTATION is to improve the career perspectives of young researchers by taking part in an innovative European research programme aiming at investigating drivers' behavioural adaptation and its underlying processes over the time in response to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) use. The research programme integrates, under a joint theoritical framework and a joint longitudi ...
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"The main objective of INTERACTION project is to identify the patterns of use of in-vehicle technologies by European drivers in everyday life and their long term effects on driver’s behaviour and skills in normal and emergency situations. Thus, the project will highlight cultural and individual differences amongst European drivers that influence the nature of drivers interactions in-vehicle techno ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

"Powered Two Wheeler (PTW) users are greatly over-involved in serious and fatal crashes. They have between 5 and 25 times the risk of having a fatal crash compared to car drivers, depending on the country. The number of PTWs on European roads has more than doubled over the last two decades. The recent MAIDS (Motorcycle Accident In-Depth Study) study of PTW crashes in Europe found that behavioural ...
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With the CHANGE project P1 – UNISA proposes a model of intervention in the frame ofthe LLP aiming to provide the elderly with the necessary competencies to remain activeand to address the challenges presented by the increase of life expectancy and workingperiod in appropriate ways. This will be to utilize training concepts as a strategy torealise a more integrated society that includes the elderly ...
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