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Care of Health Advertising New Goals for Ederly People

With the CHANGE project P1 – UNISA proposes a model of intervention in the frame ofthe LLP aiming to provide the elderly with the necessary competencies to remain activeand to address the challenges presented by the increase of life expectancy and workingperiod in appropriate ways. This will be to utilize training concepts as a strategy torealise a more integrated society that includes the elderly among actors of sustainablesocio-economical development. The proposed model is an educative and non formalsystem that:- is centred on an increase of walking activity and healthy diet among an agingpopulation to guarantee a better quality of life (good and long-lasting health condition)and the limiting of social and sanitary costs.- is realised through the training of socio-sanitary mediators (doctors, gerontologists,social workers, psychologists, pharmacists) as informal but qualified trainers of the finaltarget group (the elderly)- is characterised by the use of communication based on an emotional involvement thatconstitutes a methodological approach to effective social marketing.The main products are:a) development of the guidelines for the implementation of emotional marketing inthe practice of socio-sanitary mediatorsb) design of educational and didactical intervention materials to support thetraining of educators (socio-sanitary mediators)c) carrying out an experimental trainer training coursed) field experimentation of the CHANGE model with the involvement of the finaltarget group (the elderly)e) tools for monitoring the state of the art in the field pre- and post- projectf) materials and instruments for the diffusion and mainstreaming of the initiativein the countries involved in the project.g) a model of intervention based on a multiplier effect of mediators training (thatis possible to reproduce and to implement in all interested countries) and related to anextensive number of potential elders as end users which suggests an exponentialgrowth of beneficiaries within 2008-2013 period.


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