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6 projets européens trouvés

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The 'Young Ambassadors for Youth's Right to Information' training course will be organized for young people coming from 13 different European countries (Malta, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Montenegro, Finland, Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom) and will take place in Malta. This project is part of a European campaign that will be launched in April 201 ...
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...t existing Youth Information and Counselling structures and their formats, as well as the needs for their development, 2) hear expert input on the organisation of youth information and counselling on European level and the relation of national structures to this frame, so that they could develop national (re)actions for developing their services and 3) discuss about needs to create new formats and ...
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..., and national youth councils. The topics chosen – youth empowerment, social inclusion and participation, health, employment, access to rights – support the General Development Framework of the European Union. The main activity will consist of a learning experience lasting five working days and will be built on group work, presentations, reflections, training and partnership building activities in ...
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The YIntro - Stepping into Youth Information Training to trainers project will take place in Estonia and will bring together a number of 18 participants from 9 countries who will work together during 6 working days. The main theme of the project consists of training trainers for the course YIntro - Stepping into Youth Information, a beginners course for youth information workers.The applied non-fo ...
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youth plicy and youth information

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

By elaborating on the past, current and prospective relationship between youth policy and youth information at European, national and local level and in the framework of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, this project aims at enabling current and perspective actors in the field to meet and learn from each other, to discuss and share issues, solutions, to design projects and display go ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2009,

The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) is an independent European organisation, composed of national youth information co-ordination bodies and networks. It aims to develop, support and promote quality generalist youth information policy and practice at all levels in order to meet the information needs of young people in Europe and to apply the principles of the European Yo ...
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