Rechercher des projets européens

youth plicy and youth information
Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

By elaborating on the past, current and prospective relationship between youth policy and youth information at European, national and local level and in the framework of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, this project aims at enabling current and perspective actors in the field to meet and learn from each other, to discuss and share issues, solutions, to design projects and display good practice by interacting also with European institutional stakeholders. It will foster regional cooperation by supporting the creation of networks, partnerships and projects in Western Balkans, South East Europe, Baltic Region and amongst well-established generalist youth information structures and perspective corresponding realities from the aforementioned regions.As the seminar will take place near to and contemporarily with the ERYICA General Assembly, participants will have the chance to work, .during some specific, content-creation sessions (workinggroup, national presentations), with representatives of existing national coordination bodies whilst maintaining a separate programme and pursuing own, precise goals. Additionally, networking will be fostered by ensuring participation in part of the social and cultural programme of the Assembly.Finally, wide room will be given to commenting on the new framework of cooperation in the field of youth.With this Seminar, ERYICA wishes to continue pursuing the enhancement of generalist youth information of quality in Europe under the principles of the European Youth Information Charter.



20 Participants partenaires