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3 projets européens trouvés

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Visually Impaired Seniors Active Learning

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012,

...I persons and lifelong learning.Who is VISAL for?The project will be targeted at VI senior citizens in Europe, whose proportion in the population is increasing. The VISAL project will also help European VI organisations face the challenge of an ageing population by providing them with an adapted learning opportunity for their elderly members to be included within their service provision strategy.W ...
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A UK based enterprise toolkit was transferred to project partners in Cyprus, Ireland and Poland. The toolkit was tested by each partner and it resulted in processes, materials and competencies which support VI people in self employment, in their respective countries. Further work led to the creation of a generic toolkit, which can be used by any organisation working with VI people in business. Org ...
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Language skills are part of the core competences that each citizen of European societies needs to be able to acquire and update throughout their life. Firstly, because understanding and speaking other languages gives the opportunity to meet other people, to access cultural diversity, and represents a source of personal fulfillment. Also, because mastering various languages opens more job opportuni ...
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