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Pedagogy and Language Learning for Blind and Partially Sighted Adults in Europe (PLLBPAE)

Language skills are part of the core competences that each citizen of European societies needs to be able to acquire and update throughout their life. Firstly, because understanding and speaking other languages gives the opportunity to meet other people, to access cultural diversity, and represents a source of personal fulfillment. Also, because mastering various languages opens more job opportunities in societies with a high degree of economic interaction and makes it easier to move around within the European Union. The partners of “PLLBPAE” have found that there is a lack of accessibility to language education for blind or partially sighted adults. Indeed, existing non adaptive approaches, techniques and pedagogical tools (interactivity, visual-based modules, pictograms, lack of materials in Braille…) deter visually deficient adults from choosing courses involving the development of this key competence. In this area, the research in pedagogical engineering is very limited, illegible and thus cannot be put to the benefit of all. The project aims at gathering partners together as a network to deal with this central issue for the social and professional integration of visually disabled adults, and to build new avenues for a pedagogy that meets the specific needs of blind and partially sighted people.



3 Participants partenaires