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2 projets européens trouvés

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"Among the various toxins isolated, the chlorosulfolipids are particularly intriguing because of their structural and stereochemical complexity. The mechanism of biological activity remains unknown. The lack of availability of the natural products has impaired more in-depth studies aimed at pharmacological, biological, and chemical characterization for proper evaluation of the risk for human healt ...
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Asymmetric Chlorofunctionalization of Activated carbon-carbon Double bonds (ACAD)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 15 oct. 2014,

"In collaboration with Prof. S. E. Denmark and Prof. E. M. Carreira the researcher will work with two of the world’s leaders in organic chemistry in the complementary areas of methodology development and natural product synthesis, respectively.In the outgoing phase a novel, asymmetric, Lewis base activated, Lewis acid catalysed reaction will be developed to allow for the asymmetric chlorofuntional ...
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